maryland board of nursing reporting requirements

maryland board of nursing reporting requirementsmaryland board of nursing reporting requirements

Records for all[patients]residentsshall be maintained in accordance with accepted professional standards and practices. (a) Be issued to all assigned direct care staff; and. An interdisciplinary team shall complete. (3) Equipment to protect food from dust or contamination and to maintain food at proper temperature shall be provided[for transportation of]totransportfood to the[patients]residents. The agreement shall provide for sufficient hours of consultation to assure that the staffs services meet the medically related social and emotional needs of the patients. The director may not disclose, directly or indirectly, the identity of any individual tested. A member of the facilitys staff shall be assigned responsibility for social services. (3) If the pharmacy fails to comply with the policies, a representative of the nursing home shall discuss the situation with the pharmacy and the resident, and if the pharmacy subsequently refuses to follow the policies, the resident shall select another pharmacy that agrees to comply. A physician, physician's assistant, dentist, chiropractor, nurse practitioner, nurse, podiatrist, any other licensed health care provider, a medical examiner, or an administrator of a hospital, clinic, dispensary, or nursing home who knows of a case of a reportable disease, condition, outbreak, or unusual manifestation shall report it to the health officer within the time limits specified in B of this regulation.. In addition, any withdrawal or denial of an application made for any of the three reasons listed in COMAR need not be reported. hotline in the past has helped to eliminate Annapolis, MD. Definition. (c) Maintains the continuing education requirements of registration. B. Call systems shall be maintained in a manner that will provide visible and audible signal communication between nursing personnel andpatients. C. Administrative AreasExisting[Facilities]Nursing Homes. If the patient becomes too difficult to manage, the patient shall be transferred to a suitable facility selected by the attending physician. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Clinical Nurse Specialists. (ii) The nursing home shall make its residents personal furnishing policies available for review by residents and the residents representative. For example: Type in Consumer Protection and you will see eleven (11) different Titles covering this topic. (5) Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings, 2005 (MMWR2005; 54, No. Staffing. The attending physician shall also be notified.] (3)The responsible departments approval shall be in writing, signed by the appropriate department head whose license number, if applicable, shall be recorded in the record. This map shows you which states are currently in the NLC. Boiler rooms shall be provided with sufficient outdoor air to maintain combustion rates of equipment and to limit temperatures in working stations to 97F or 36C. A physician or physician assistant may find the registration requirements outlined in COMAR, . Waiting for proof may involve grave risk to the child and . The requirement is to tell the Board what the hospital did, not to characterize the underlying conduct. [(a)](b)ColdAny temperature[not exceeding 8C (46F)]at or below46F or 8C. I. Infectious/Communicable Diseases, HIV Testing, AIDs Diagnoses. Modification of the following minimum space will be made in the event that the facility can demonstrate that the use of convenience food, disposables, or equipment, require less space for operation. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. The attending physician shall: (7) Respond promptly to notification of, and assess and manage adequately, reported acute and other significant clinical condition changes in residents;[and], (8) Ensure that individuals receiving palliative care have appropriate comfort and supportive care measures; and. No. Existing facilities (those facilities licensed at the time this regulation becomes effective) shall provide some method/means of a patient summoning aid that shall include as minimum a combined visual and audible signal that is audible at the nurses station and simultaneously activates a light located in the hall, outside of and adjacent to the patients room. A. Thereshall be sufficient space to accommodate all activities without[interference]interferingwith each other. In the case of naturopathic doctors, please consult the regulations at, Medical Cannabis Certifying Provider FAQs for PAs & Physicians. An investigator who is a health practitioner, police officer, educator, or human service worker, acting in a professional capacity in this State, who has reason to believe that a child has been subject to abuse, shall notify the local department or appropriate law enforcement agency. Advisory Dentist. (2)[All residents]A new residentshall receive atwo-steptuberculin skin test within 10 days of[initial]admissionto the nursing homeunless the resident has had[a]: (a) Adocumented negativetuberculinskin testwithin the previous[month, a]12 months; (b) Aprevious positivetuberculin skintest[,]; (c) Ahistory of preventive therapy[, or]treatment; (e) Thetreatment ofactivetuberculosis. B. (2) May not be more than 36 inches high as measured from the floor to the top of the handrail. A copy of the clinical record, identification, and summary sheet described in Regulation[.20B].32shall be used as an admission record. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. When the attending physician and medical director document a residents medical need for a particular treatment, assistive device, or equipment, C. When the attending physician and medical director agree that a particular. C. Lobby Area. [Applicants unable to obtain certification of oral competency in the English language, which is required in A(3)(e) of this regulation, from the school of nursing or the state of original licensure, may evidence of competency by obtaining a minimum passing score, as determined by the Board, on the Test of Spoken English administered by the Educational Testing Service before applying for . (a)[Because specific temperatures are often required for the safe storage of drugs, the]Thestorage[facilities]facilityshall provide for the[following]conditionslisted in C(3)(b)(g) of this regulationwhen prescribed[:]. of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free Tonya Spruill Copyright Appropriate provisions shall be made for emergency auxiliary heat by means of alternate sources of electric power, alternate fuels, or standby equipment. Only one of these is specific to Title 20 violations for investigation by the Public Service Commission. The State of Maryland pledges (a) Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) meansa standardized and reproducible resident assessment process based on completion of Minimum Data Set (MDS) screening items, and including the MDS Care Area Assessment process, and related process for care planning and evaluation. by the Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators for the State. (d)Residentsmay not occupy rooms extending below the ground level. Modification of the following minimum space will be made in the event that the facility can demonstrate that the use of convenience food, disposables, or equipment, require less space for operation. Provides a drop-down list of COMAR Titles, by number and Agency. (5)There shall be a complete orientation for all the employees in life safety and disaster preparedness. (a) The nursing home shall provide a common area or areas of refuge in an emergency situation if all resident rooms, day rooms, and toilet rooms are not tied into the emergency generator to provide heat and cooling. Access through Table of Contents Structure (will display table of contents by Title, Subtitle & Chapter). (b) A resident assessed to exhibit unsafe behaviors shall have a care plan to ensure the resident is safe when smoking. Public toilets for both sexes shall be located conveniently to this area. In existing facilities where a physical separation is not possible, exceptions as to approved laundry facilities may be made at the discretion of the Department. After meeting requirements of the Board of Nursing (Maryland application, Criminal History Record Check, Declaration of State Primary Residence Form, TOEFL iBT or IELTS CES report), complete registration with NCLEX. 100-07 State Operations Provider Certification (Transmittal 126, November 26, 2014, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services); (3) 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents Healthcare Settings (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HIPAC), 2007); (4) Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings, 2005 (MMWR2005; 54, No. [D.]C.The[facility]nursing homeshall hold the care planning conference not later than 7 calendar days after[completion of]completingthe assessment, but may hold the conference[earlier]soonerif agreed to by the resident, a family member, or a residents representative. Information reported to the to provide constituents, businesses, (b) At least 2 years of experience or specialized training in the medical care of geriatric or chronically ill and impaired residents; (c) Successful completion of a curriculum in physician management or administration from. [Agency Note:]. [(2)](4)The Department shall consider the following factors when[considering]decidingwhether to approve an administrator to serve on a less than full-time basis: (a)[Geographical]Geographiclocation of the facilities; (1)In the absence of the administrator, the[facility]nursing homeat all times shall be under the direct and personal supervision of an experienced, trained, competent employee. Standardized recipes adjusted to appropriate yield shall be followed. [(2) Nurses StationExisting Facility. OHCQ estimates that 172 nursing homes would need to hire or contract with a licensed social worker. (b) The following shall be considered a minimumallowance of floor space: (i)100 square feet, single-bed room; and. [Statutory exceptions for certain confidential and privileged communications]. B. (2) The name and license number of the replacement director of nursing shall be supplied to the Department as soon as employment begins. a genuine interest in the well-being and welfare of, (1) The administrator shall employ sufficient and satisfactory personnel as specified in this chapter to, The Department shall approve the increase in beds within 72 hours following receipt of the. (b)The Department may specify the location and size of a nurses[station]work areawhich serves a nursing care unit exceeding 40 beds. (1) The nursing home shall provide appropriate methods and procedures for administering drugs and biologicals to the nursing homes res. Director of Discipline & Compliance. Problem solving flowchart upon discovery of an incident/allegation Updated 10/18 1. Would you know your responsibility as a nurse and mandated reporter if you suspected a patient . In an existing nursing home, curtains or screens shall be acceptable. C. Conversion of an Existing Structure. [The administrator or the administrators designee shall notify the private or public agency or relative responsible for the patient when the patientis transferred from the facility for any reason or at time of death. Alternative means to provide drinking water to residents, staff, and the general public may be used as approved by the Department. (76) Two-step tuberculin skin testing means the administration of a second tuberculin skin test 1 to 3 weeks after the initial skin test is negative, to identify individuals with a past TB infection who may now have reduced skin reactivity. (b) Smoking shall be prohibited at the main entrance to all facilities. (3)With the Departments approval,an administrator may[, with the Departments approval,]serve on a less than full-time basis for a maximum of two nursing facilities, one of which shall have a licensed capacity of 35 beds or less. (e) Notify families that the information provided may change depending on the nature or scope of the emergency or disaster. The container label bears appropriate instructions to protect the product from freezing[When in addition to the risk]when freezing it may subject a product to: (ii)Riskof breakage of the container[, freezing subjects a product to loss of strength or potency,];or[to destructive]. COMAR regulations are Maryland State agency regulations, which are referenced by Title numbers (currently 1-36). 4140 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2254, Direct Entry Midwifery Advisory Committee, Credentials Evaluation Service Application (CGFNS), CREDENTIALS EVALUATION SERVICE APPLICATION, Complete on-line application and fee to CGFNS. A. Learn more: Vaccines, Boosters & Additional Doses | Testing | Patient Care | Visitor Guidelines | Coronavirus. B. Licensure, designed to meet educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification that is required for employment in an occupation; or, Is advertised as meeting such requirements. (1) A signed copy of the agreement between thenursing homeand the director of nursing, showing the license numberof the nurse, shall be filed with the Department upon: (a) Application for an initial nursing home license; and. truthful and transparent services. (g) Receives prompt and appropriate responses to requests for assistance. [(3)As appropriate, respiratory care personnel are competent in the following: (a) The fundamentals of cardiopulmonary physiology and of fluids and electrolytes; (b) The recognition, interpretation, and recording of signs and symptoms of respiratory dysfunction and medication side effects, particularly those that require notification of a physician; (c) The initiation and maintenance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other related life-support procedures; (d) The mechanics of ventilation and ventilator function; (e) The principles of airway maintenance, including endotracheal and tracheostomy care; (f) The effective and safe use of equipment for administering oxygen and other therapeutic gases and for providing humidification, nebulization, and medication; (g) Pulmonary function testing and blood gas analysis, when these procedures are performed within the respiratory care unit; (h) Methods that assist in the removal of secretions from the bronchial tree, such as hydration, breathing and coughing exercises, postural drainage, therapeutic percussion and vibration, and mechanical clearing of the airway through proper suctioning technique; (i) Procedures and observations to be followed during and after extubation; and, (j) Recognition of and attention to the psychosocial needs of residents and their families.]. This instruction shall include the following topics: (e) Communication and interpersonal skills.]. (2) A nursing home shall develop and implement a method forbody holdingthat minimizes the psychological effects on other residents. (f) Any other serious occurrence that threatens the welfare, safety, or health of any resident. Maryland Board of Physicians | 4201 Patterson Avenue | Baltimore, MD 21215. Menus shall be written at least 1 week in advance. The Maryland Department of Health will update resources for health care providers as they become available. ]; [Agency Note:Refer to Regulation.26 Sof this chapter for window screening requirements.]. There shall be an active program of restorative nursing care aimed at assisting each resident to achieve and maintainthe individualshighest level of independent function, including activities of daily living. D.Each day that the nursing[facility]homeoperates after the first conviction, without correction of the cited violation, is considered a subsequent offense and may subject the operator to further prosecution. Attach documentation supporting your allegation (i.e. The nursing. To obtain an exemption, the principal investigator must submit to the AIDS Administration a copy of the approved protocol, a notice of IRB approval, and a letter from the PI stating that the project will provide the Director of AIDs Administration annual reports of the following: A physician who has diagnosed a patient under the physician's care with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome according to the current definition published in the morbidity and mortality weekly report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Department of Health and Human Services shall submit immediately a report to the health officer for the county where the physician cares for that patient. (c) Aportablewindowair-conditioning unit may not block window space. (1) The duty to take the actions under paragraph (2) of this subsection arises only under the limited circumstances described under subsection (b) of this section. (c) All laundry shall be processed and handled in a manner that prevents the spread of infections. hotline in the past has helped to eliminate (3) A centralized system for reporting and monitoring repairs. A mental health care provider licensed under the Health Occupations Article or any institution or facility that provides treatment or services to individuals who have mental disorders has a statutory duty to warn of known threats of imminent physical injury: b) In general.- A cause of action or disciplinary action may not arise against any mental health care provider or administrator for failing to predict, warn of, or take precautions to provide protection from a patient's violent behavior unless the mental health care provider or administrator knew of the patient's propensity for violence and the patient indicated to the mental health care provider or administrator, by speech, conduct, or writing, of the patient's intention to inflict imminent physical injury upon a specified victim or group of victims. It you scrolled down to Title 20 (Public Service Commission), and click on the Title, you are presented with a list of Subtitles. Menus shall be written at least 1 week in advance. [(7) Utility RoomsExistingFacility. A. In instances when an aide is to be assigned to a particular service such as dietary, physical therapy, or occupational therapy, the person in charge of the service shall be responsible for the evaluation and approval of the qualifications. Code Ann., Health Occupations Article, 8-302 (b) and (c).. (5) A nursing home that administers Schedule II drugs shall maintain a drug record that documents: (b) The date, time, kind, dosage, and method of administration of all Schedule II drugs; and. Activities Program. Except for a designated anonymous HIV test site, a facility or office that orders a test for HIV and receives a test result that documents the presence of HIV as defined by the CDC laboratory criteria shall, upon the Secretary's request, make available to the Secretary, or an agent of the Secretary, the information necessary to compile an HIV/AIDS case report. (b) Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI)includes: (ii) MDS Care Area Assessment Process; and. A State-approved training course for paid feeding assistants shall consist of at least 8 hours of training that includes: (9) Successful completion of a two-part test that includes a: (b) Demonstration of proper feeding skills performed on a resident[under observation]while being observed. If a question or section does not apply to this complaint, friendly and courteous, timely and (3) To the degree possible, accompanying physicians when visitingresidents. The[facility]nursing homeshall establish,implement, andmaintain[, and implement]aneffective infectionprevention andcontrol program that: (3) Maintains a record of infections in the[facility,]nursing homeand the corrective actions that were taken related to infections; and, (a) Effectiveness of the infectionprevention andcontrol program by surveying rates of infection, especially of[those residents who have an especially high risk of]infectionrates that are significantly higher than usual; and. Pursuant to State Government Article, 7-207, Annotated Code of Maryland, the following have been declared documents generally available to the public and appropriate for incorporation by reference: (1) CMS Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 Users Manual (Version 1.14, October 2016); (2) CMS Manual System, Pub. (2) As of July 1, 2020, a nursing home shall install a functioning AED unit. There shall be provision for the laundering of patients clothing. The nursing home shall be serviced by a public sewage disposal system if available. [.05].07Inspection by Secretary [of Health and Mental Hygiene]. A. The basic nursing curriculum covers two academic years, is approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing, and is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. friendly and courteous, timely and The nursing home shall develop written policies, consistent with this chapter and COMAR 10.07.09, to govern the nursing care, related medical, and other services that the nursing home provides regarding: (1) Admissions, transfers, and discharges; (3) Medical Assistance program information. [(19)](18)[Patient]Residentcare management. (a) Anursing unit shall contain at least one janitors closet containing a floor receptor or service sink and storage space for housekeeping equipment and supplies. (6) Ifthe licensed capacity of a[facility]nursing homeis increased, orifmeals are provided to anyone outside of the[facility]nursing homefrom the food service area of the[facility]nursing home, the[facility]nursing homeshall provideanadditional food service area in accordance with[F(1), (3), and (4) of this regulation]this chapter. (b) Controlled medications to be stored within medication storage cabinets in a residents room shall be held within a separate compartment that is locked and inside of the larger medication storage cabinet in that room. Otherwise, a dedicated enunciator connected to the wireless call system will be needed. (a) A nursing care unit, regardless of size, including special care units, shall be equipped as described in this regulation. (d) Any other relevant parameters affecting or reflecting the residents physical and mental status. [The following guidelines shall aid the facility]The nursing home shall refer to the following guidelinesin implementing its employee health program: (2) Immunization of[Health-CareWorkers]Health CarePersonnel:Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC);and, (1) The infection control program shall include a risk assessment program, including monitoring for tuberculosis infection for employees that is in accordance with the[following guidelines:]. . Agency Note: Utilization Review. [(1)](a)[There]A nursing homeshall[be]provideadequate space[for the reception, examination, and treatment ofpatients;storage of]to: (i) Receive, examine, and treat residents; (ii) Storesupplies and equipment,including wheelchairs and stretchers; and[office]. The following requirements shall bemet:]Distributions. Residents shall be given the opportunity to participate in planning menus. I. The director of nursing shall assume responsibility for maintaining professional competence of staff through their participation in education programs. .41 Physical Plant New and Existing Construction Requirements. (1) Although daily rounds are primarily the responsibility of the charge nurse or nurses, the director or assistant director of nursing shall periodically make clinical rounds to nursing units, randomly reviewing clinical records, medication orders, resident care plans, and staff assignments and visiting residents. Ch. D. Excessive Absenteeism of Administrator. D. Unusual Occurrences. A. (1) Shall be provided on each side of all corridors in resident areas; and. (3) The equipment provided in food service floor pantries shall comply with the requirements of the local health department. Please fill out the form. [E.]D.Drinking Fountains. (68) Restraint means any physical or chemical restraint as defined in thischapter. (b) Receive signals originating from residents bedrooms, bathrooms, bathing areas, and therapy areas. A. (9) An orientation program shall be provided to trainees for a nursing facility in which training is to occur. This Search feature provides a chart of the 36 COMAR Titles, and allows a focused search of a specific Title. For general inquiries (Safe Practice Program): (iii)Following the period of orientation,[the person responsible for the orientation program and the person in charge of the service shall]indicatethesatisfactory completion of the orientation program of the employee. A[facility]nursing homewhich holds a current and valid operating license may establish special care units with the approval of the: (1)Office of[Licensing and Certification Programs and the Departments Division of Engineering and Maintenance]Health Care Quality;and. In cases where the facility has an individual providing medically related physical, social, and behavioral health needs of the residents that is not licensed but was providing the services both before and at the time of the adoption of this proposal, they are exempt from this requirement. (b) An interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) blood test. (2) In orderto prevent accidents and promote efficiency of service, the nursing home shall ensure that the following areas have sufficient artificial lighting: G.Minimally Maintained Lighting Levels. Maryland Nursing License Requirements The Maryland Board of Nursing regulates the state's Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses., National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. L. Burning. (b)The transfer of any stock which results in a change of the person or persons who control the[facility]nursing home, or a 25 percent or greater change in any form of ownership interest, constitutes a sale. C.Heating System. There shall be sufficient[supportive]supportstaff to accomplish all medical[record]recordsfunctions. (c)For purposes of Life Safety Code enforcement, the[facility]nursing homeis considered[as]to bean existing[facility]nursing homeif it has been in continuous use as a nursing home. [Facility]Nursing HomeResponsibilities. (2) The nursing home shall maintain and dispose of a clients medical records in accordance with Health-General Article, Title 4, Subtitles 3 and 4, Annotated Code of Maryland. All rights reserved. (iii) Clean linen anda clean, comfortable pillowshall be provided. (6) The pharmaceutical services committee may not develop policies and procedures that prohibit or restrict a resident from receiving medications from the pharmacy of the residents choice. If a resident-directed meal pattern is provided, the following is required: (1) Counseling regarding the risks and benefits of a resident-selected diet which is documented within the medical record; and. as stated in Regulation .14 of this chapter. (1) New Construction. A. (i) Each bed providedshall bein good repair, witha cleanandcomfortable standard sizemattress and foundation. A nursing home shall posta noticeon each floor or unit of the nursing home, for each shift, a notice that[explains]givesthe ratio of licensed and unlicensed staff to residents. D. Conversion, Alteration, and Additions. If a comprehensive care facility is unable to effect a transfer agreement with a hospital in the community and can document its attempts to secure an agreement, the facility shall be considered to have such an agreement in effect. The reporting requirements also do not apply if the specimen is taken from a patient known to reside outside of Maryland, or is tested as part of a research project granted an exemption by the Director of AIDs Administration. If you have the exact number, subtitle, and chapter, type it in. (2)A catered or satellite system shall be covered by a contractapproved by the Department. State resources. General Responsibilities. [(e)](f)Excessive HeatAny temperature above[40C (104F)]104F or 40C. These documents may also be inspected at the office of the Division of State Documents, 16 Francis Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. (k) The written procedure shall include the disposal of the dirty water. (2) The team shall establish goals for each problem or need identified, or a combination thereof. If a deficiency exists, the Department, in addition to the sanctions set forth in this regulation and Regulations, (c) Issuing written reports to the Department and the nursing, A. No. The activating device for those signals shall be located in each patients room and each and every bathing compartment and toilet room or compartment used by patients. If the physician so orders, patients who have a tendency to wander may be confined to their rooms by screen doors or folding gates. H. Closed or Inactive Records. (3) BedroomExisting Construction. The summary shall, at a minimum: (a) List means of potential transportation to be used in the event of evacuation; (b) List potential alternative facilities or locations to be used in the event of evacuation; (c) Describe means of communication with family members and residents representatives; (d) Describe the role and responsibilities of the resident, family member, or residents representative in the event of an emergency situation; and. 3. [Agency Note: Care should be exercised in the rotation of stored food so that old stock is used first.]. B. (2) Upon request, the director or assistant director of nursing may accompany physicians visiting residents. (2)Soiled containersshall be thoroughly scoured and aired before using again. (1) The building and all its parts and facilities shall be kept in good repair, neat, (2) All walls, floors, ceilings, windows, and fixtures shall be kept clean.

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