maroondah council election candidates

maroondah council election candidatesmaroondah council election candidates

I am not a member of any political party. How do you think the outcomes can be improved within your capacity as a Councillor?a. I am here to represent you too. I will fight to protect our public open space and ensure that the South Croydon Primary School site and Dorset Golf Course remain in community hands and are not sold to developers. Ringwood VIC 3134, 179 Maroondah Highway I support keeping our historical buildings and limiting the overdevelopment of our suburbs. Building more new footpaths and shared trails to improve accessibility. BH: (03) 9724 9113AH: (03) 9724 9113Mob: 0492 847, Note: there were a set of questions sent to all Wicklow candidates from Ruskin Park Residents Action Group. One of my main priorities is to improve council services for a safer integrated transport system, better roads, safer walking and bicycle paths, and for an improved community infrastructure. A fresh voice for Maroondah. Thats something we need to talk about. 20942, Depot waste collection services - contract no. We appreciate the time that Councillors and prospective Councillors have take to respond to our questions, and the interest in appearing on our podcast. Pot holes and rough roads affecting our cars! The hard work must continue and your vote will enable me to keep delivering the improvements our community deserves. I will ensure there will be delivery of high quality and accessible services for our residents and have a vision to develop our council into a prosperous, safe, healthy and active one. Current councillors Barngeong Ward GRAHAM, Marijke Bungalook Ward DIB, Tony Jubilee Ward SYMON, Mike McAlpin Ward STOJANOVIC, Suzanne Tarralla Ward MACDONALD, Paul Wicklow Ward DAMANTE, Tasa Wombolano Ward SPEARS, Kylie Wonga Ward HANCOCK, Linda ( by-election results) Yarrunga Ward As a member of Bicycle Network Victoria, I would also include the creation and implementation of a neighbourhood bike plan; bicycle parking; cycling links not just through reserves and parks, but also connecting to retail and commercial areas, to schools, playgrounds and kindergartens; and more dedicated bike lanes along major thoroughfares, including trials of pop-up bike lanes. I will listen to residents without prejudice and help solve community issues, so we can have a better place for our families to live and work. More than ever we need representation on council that will listen to the community and ensure that the council during this difficult period, provides the essential services and support that we all expect. Failure to provide the information requested may make you ineligible to receive the service or be part of an event/function that is the subject of this form. (Courtesy photo) Diaz, 24, is a Denver native hoping to become the youngest member in the history of the Denver City Council. 27th Annual Mayoral Art Exhibition 2022 acquisitions announced, Goats in the city - Sustainable vegetation removal, Caring for our carers - Pathways for Carers program, Lift your spirits with the Maroondah Lift Project, New pavilion boosts membership interest for user groups, Explore the great outdoors this Nature Play Week, Community Grants Funding Program Chin Community Victoria Inc, Cr Nora Lamont resigns from Maroondah City Council, Fresh Theatre returns to Maroondah with new show, The Unsaid, Be Brave. I will work to ensure that the Council continues to deliver high-quality Services that assist youth, seniors and families from all faiths and cultures. Im wonder what the water quality is like and if its toxic.Cooling our suburbs down by greening up everything we can.Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? Your location: England. The Act disqualifies individuals subject to certain sexual offence legal orders from standing for election or holding office in local authorities. I will protect Maroondahs leafy green suburbs by advocating for sensible town planning, so we do not have inappropriate structures within our community. 20920, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - 45, 47 and 49 Eastfield Road, Ringwood East, Golf cart path construction - Contract no.20921, Project management services - Car park redevelopment EOI - Contract no. 1.Maintaining and enhancing our parks and gardens.2.Improving our sporting facilities.3.More bicycle paths and walking tracks.4.An improved waste management system, to stop reliance on land fill, and improved recycling. (1) The Climate Reality Project, Environment Victoria, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute. E.g. Make sure you number all of the boxes to ensure you vote will count. If so, what are these improvements and how would you make them happen?Yes Stronger provisions in our planning scheme, neighbors should be alerted when there is a permit application. Some of the work Im most proud of includes; the reduction of our carbon footprint due to innovative energy initiatives, the upgrades and vision for the Croydon Town Centre, the Tarralla Creek rejuvenation, our work on youth and family mental health with the Communities of Wellbeing, supporting volunteer organisations and upgrades to various sporting facilities. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? If elected I will work tirelessly to protect and improve our local community. Vote 1 Nora Lamont delivering for the community since 2008. Im standing for Maroondah Council because I want a council that is more family friendly and focused on community needs. Ill fight for the following issues: Development in youth, open parks and sports grounds; Upgrading the South Croydon Football Club Pavilion; Keep vacant land at the old Croydon South primary school in community hands; Reject any inappropriate developments that lead to an increase in traffic congestions; Fund the enhancement of Tarralla creek with a shared pass for bike tracks and an underground water storage system; Ensure the Dorset golf course remains an 18 hole course; Improve community services for the elderly; Oppose any further development of Eastfield Park by private developers; Responsible financial management, with no rate increases for the next financial year to help ease the burden on local families; Genuinely consult residents on planning issues. Remember to read the voting instructions to make sure you vote correctly. As a former President of the Ringwood Highland Games I recognise the value of community events and the many hard-working volunteers who put in so much time and effort to make these events happen. I am well versed in the operation of council and have studied and attended many training sessions and council meetings in preparation for the position of councillor. When I left Council in 2005, there was $12M in the bank that was used to build the Croydon Pool. As yet this candidate has not responded to the Transition Towns Maroondah Questionnaire. I want that changed! The Hon Michael Sukkar MP Member for Deakin Shadow Minister for Homelessness Shadow Minister for Housing Shadow Minister for Social Services Liberal Party 5/602 Whitehorse Road Now, more than ever, experience counts. I think after the experience of the Corkman Pub demolition in Carlton, there is extra vigilance and sensitivity to heritage protections. During this Covid Pandemic I support a freeze on rates and fee increases as well as continued support to the many people that have been financially impacted. You have a strong voice and each vote matters. Sharing information provided by prospective Councillors seeking our votes is important information. We need a council that is ready to do things differently, is responsive to, and consults with the community to put the needs of ratepayers first. Manager at Early Childhood Centre. Overall, Utah was Solid Republican, having voted . I know many in my community are doing it really tough. I am committed to leading with passion and integrity. I love the diversity Maroondah represents, its vibrant mix of local businesses, access to great recreational facilities, range of educational institutions, beautiful trails and parks. The information you provide on this form is being collected by Maroondah City Council for the strict purpose of conducting Council business. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?For council to hold public meetings. That said, I definitely believe that very substantial change can be achieved without a declaration. I cherish the fact that local sports and recreation, which has played such a big role in my life, is now being taken up by my kids. Mr Marks nominated as a candidate for McAlpin Ward in Maroondah Council in the 2020 general election. A hard-working health care worker for the last 16 years. Wonga Ward by-election Together lets make a real difference! Derelict buildings are an eyesore and attract crime. Local community groups and events are so important in uniting and uplifting our community. In these difficult days of isolation, thats where council now has an even bigger part to play. My best wishes to you in this COVID-19 environment. Council being the final Responsible Authority/decision maker for all residential development in Maroondah?d. Transition Towns Maroondah: Questionnaire ResponsesWhere do you find your information on Climate Change?Environmental groups, friends, Scientific American, documentaries many places.What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?Implement as many draw down principles as possible, but also invest in renewable energy farms as an income stream.What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Water quality in our creeks and ponds. Maroondah City Council elections were conducted by the Victorian Electoral Commission on 24 October 2020. Question 6. 20917, Floodlighting upgrade - Contract no. I want to hear your voices and what matters to you, please contact me on E:, M: 0452 603 135 or FB: @SaarahforMaroondah, Where do you find your information on Climate Change? I just think we need concrete action on climate change. If I am elected, I will fight for: Government funding for mental health, child, and hardship services, Job opportunities and training programs, Community engagement for our elderly, Introduction of sustainable environmental practices, Growth in our small business and local economy, Lower rates and council expenses, Improved roads, foot paths and infrastructure, Appropriate sanitation of public facilities and parks I am serious about change and will use my position in the council to voice all your concerns. Ive seen a lot of change over the years. What will you do as a Councillor to address these issues?1.Rate increases kept to a minimum.2.Loss of canopy trees and our green environment and Heritage buildings because of inappropriate development.3.Selling of council owned assets and public open space because of councils increasing high debt. I grew up in Ringwood. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? I will address the affordable housing shortfalls in our community. Our Global Local bulletin highlights local solutions to global challenges, with a different theme each week offering critical insights, policy suggestions and case studies. My husband and I are raising our 2 kids in Croydon North. Please vote 1 Christy Youssef so I can address all issues for the needs of all community. Your information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless Council is required or authorised to do so by law. Any access to the information, amendments that may be required or any privacy enquiries may be directed to Council's Privacy Officer & Health Records Officer on, Swimming pool and spa registration and fencing compliance requirements, Community celebrations.,, 20962, Floodlighting upgrade - contract no. Ill fight hard to achieve the following: Rate relief for struggling families with a zero per cent rate increase in the next council budget; Expand our maternal and child health services; Efficiently managed local government Early Education Centres to meet the current booming demand in our City for places; Increase home support services for our isolated elderly; Protection of our natural habitat and public open spaces; Fight for our fair share of Federal and State Government funding for local roads and traffic management; Targeted development programmes for small and homebased businesses, to help grow jobs locally; Remove all graffiti from our City in a major clean-up drive; Beautification of our precious parklands; Improve participation rates in sports by having better facilities and higher quality ovals and grounds. It has been my pleasure and privilege to have been a Councillor and twice Mayor for the past 12 years representing you at Maroondah City Council. Mob: 0419 513 370noralamont67@gmail.com The results of that sees the soon to be constructed multi-deck commuter car park at Croydon Station, the redevelopment of Dorset Road between Maroondah Highway & Hull Road and a significant number of sporting & community facility upgrades. I have worked for government and have successfully run my own business for the last 29 years. My focus will be: To liaise with other councillors and council and see how we can support local small business back on track and create more jobs, Better elder and disability services. Theyre often polluted with rubbish. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?A stronger online presence from council, easier to use consultation process instead of the clunky not suitable for phones website. Make Change - Celebrating Reconciliation Week in Maroondah. Tarralla Ward is a wonderful community to live in. This candidate has partially pledged to supporting the priorities of LGBTIQA+ people. I know most sports fields have water tanks but very few have solar. Why or why not?Yes. Do you believe improvements in heritage protections are required in Maroondah? beside the land swap there is another $23m in this years budget for what? Im Sebastian Moon, a 37 yr old single resident of Ringwood since 2016. A new housing development on this site would create many problems for the area that would raise many questions. Mullum Ward (3 vacancies) An eighth candidate is running a . I know that COVID has made doing business very hard for many. My name is David White. No matter how big of small an issue is, the best decisions are made with real feedback from real people. I have excellent working relationships with all levels of government, which is important for our advocacy platform. I will keep in place Maroondahs individually tailored Covid 19 hardship policy for rates, for as long as its needed. Please vote 1 for Nadine Beecher. Now, Its the time to get Croydon moving again. o Working well o Other (Please describe).. Understanding that the 2014 scheme was reviewed and reformed in 2017 and 2018 by the state government, the scheme works to a degree and gives Council and residents some latitude; however, VCAT does not always share the views of Council and ultimately it has the final judgement. The new-look council will also be divided up into nine. Mental health will become more of an issue, more people have had their income slashed, home schooling has had a stressfuleffect on students & parents, isolation & social distancing has been hard on all of us, even my own business is closed until December, we need people who really understand the situation, who know the struggles of making every dollar count. No more $20m spent on new council offices, + another $23m in this years budget to fit out ($43m to date) the biggest single budget item, no more regional facilities that are available in every other council, no more money wasting, its not an endless resource. Upgrading community and sporting facilities for more inclusive activities. How would the developer access to work on the subdivision and when the subdivision is finished will all the local roads be opened as through roads for the new estate? It involves selecting the candidates who most competitively meet . I would also like the community to engage more with Council consultation. As a resident of Maroondah, with a young family, I know the importance of council services. Maroondah City Council is committed to protecting your privacy as prescribed by the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001. And, according to my understanding, state legislation sufficiently protects cultural, indigenous and native vegetation through heritage protections. How people want to interact with their representatives and how they want to receive information. Lets work together to make McAlpin Ward an even better place to live, work and raise a family. Do you believe improvements in heritage protections are required in Maroondah? 20888, Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment - Amendment C104 - Maroondah Leader - 29 May 2018, Notice of Tender - Building Upgrade Works - Contract No. Our selection process is designed to find the best person for the role. I am an entrepreneur, business woman, with a legal and health background. Question 3. The rate of vegetation loss in Maroondah will have significant ecological, climatic, and biodiversity impacts. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?Usually abc news or google for things, david Attenborough, my partner is usually all over that sort of news so we talk about it. At the close of nominations for this election, the number of candidates was equal to the number of vacancies. I live in Croydon North. I do not want another Civic Centre empty and decaying like Croydon. What do you believe are the top three issues for Maroondah in the next four years? I am a strong advocate for our tree canopy and open spaces, and I will fight to maintain our leafy green neighbourhoods and continue to fight against inappropriate development. By working together with State and Federal governments Maroondah has received funding for community facilities like Maroondah Nets, the HE Parker sporting pavilion and the Athletics Pavilion at Proclamation Park. Let me tell you about myself. Weve all had to dig in deep and make many sacrifices. I want to ensure local traders are given support, so our community shopping strips not only survive but flourish. 20987, Sportsfield redevelopment - contract no. 5. This is what we need to be as a community. 21001, Receipt and sort recyclables - contract no. As your community representative I have been focused on delivering for the community for 12 years and will continue to not only be a community representative for the Wonga Ward but throughout the Maroondah municipality. Elected candidates Count summary First preference votes Please note: all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points. I am your current Ward Councillor and twice Mayor. Why or why not?I think they should because it sends a message to the community that they are taking the crisis seriously. I have a history of community involvement having previously served on local business committees, two school councils, including Croydon Hills Primary School, and Im currently on a local Bendigo Community Bank board. 20898, Notice of Tender - Flood Mitigation Works - Contract No. it may be assistance with solar panels for renters.What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Protection of habitat, vegetation and biodiversity. Four Oklahoma City council seats are on the ballot this February in an election where representatives will be chosen for about half of the city's residents. I will keep empowering locals by listening and encouraging participation in planning, project and policy community consultations. thank you. I moved into the area as a very young, disadvantaged child in desperate need of a new beginning.

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