legal factors affecting airline industry

legal factors affecting airline industrylegal factors affecting airline industry

Like other industries, airline industries are also get affected by social conditions. 4.13 Are the airport authorities governed by particular legislation? Subject to the limited exceptions mentioned below, there is no statutory regime of self-help rights as a matter of English law. Of course, one of the major events in 2022 has been the war in Ukraine. Most of the tourists are not interested in visiting countries that have threats due to political conditions. As outlined in question 1.1 above, this Regulation protects passengers in the event of cancellation or long delay. For this reason, the aviation industry is widespread and may get affected by different external factors. In a similar vein, in October 2017 the Court of Appeal rejected Emirates arguments and held that non-EU airlines are liable under Regulation 261 where a flight departing from the UK is delayed by at least three hours at the final destination, as a result of a missed connection outside Europe (Gahan/Buckley v Emirates [2017] EWCA Civ 1530). The Factors That Influnce Airline Industry volatility the international financial crisis and other factors especially the oil price that is the most major factor of the airline cost and still increasing made the airline industry's production decline shaply. As regards the lessor of an aircraft registered with the CAA, theoretically it is permitted to take enforcement action to repossess the aircraft following a default by the lessee concerned on the relevant lease terms, without enforcing through the courts, i.e. The PESTEL analysis airline industry can help them to have an idea about those conditions. With the implementation of the GDPR, the DPA 2018 and the PNR Directive (and the national variations), operators need to continue to review and monitor their mechanisms, processes and procedures in place to ensure compliance with new legislative requirements around the collection and provision of data and the secure handling, retention and use of it. The airline industry needs to do regular technical up-gradation of their system and work on the communication with the air traffic. The Consumer Protection Act 1987 and the Consumer Rights Act 2015 apply to aviation-related matters, providing a cause of action to a passenger against a manufacturer. COVID-19 has introduced additional risks to an industry already well used to having to manage them. Nevertheless, it is common market practice (also in order to manage certain risks arising due to conflicts of law and legal systems as they apply to these most mobile assets) for engine owners and financiers to require entry into a contractual recognition of rights agreement governed by English law between the relevant parties as a condition to installing an engine on a different airframe. The Court will only intervene if the arbitrators decision is obviously wrong or the question is one of general public importance and the decision of the tribunal is at least open to serious doubt. In addition, this Title includes regulations regarding airspace and air traffic. The Montreal Convention has legal effect in the United Kingdom through the Carriage by Air Acts (Implementation of the Montreal Convention 1999) Order 2002/263. In the SAS/Maersk Air case, in which the parties notified a codeshare agreement to the EC for clearance, with an underlying cartel agreement in the form of a broad market-sharing agreement between the parties, the EC concluded that this agreement was a serious infringement of competition and fined the parties a total of 52.5 million, which was confirmed by the EU Court of First Instance (see COMP/37.444 SAS/Maersk Air and COMP/37.386 SUN Air/SAS and Maersk Air, 18 July 2001 (2001/716 EG) confirmed by CFI decision T-241/01, 18 July 2005). The market definition for airports is based on a catchment area of airports considered substitutable by passengers. The AAIB reports to the CAA and other civil aviation authorities having responsibility for oversight of any aspect of the accident. Automation is yet another factor affecting the airline industry as people make use of Skype features or hold a conference call instead of travelling. At a macro European level, in May 2018 the European Commission (the EC) dismissed a complaint, brought against Lufthansas 2015 introduction of a 16 surcharge on seats booked through the global distribution suppliers, such as Travelport, Travelsky, Sabre and Amadeus, which alleged breach of Council Regulation (EC) 2299/89 on a code of conduct for computerised reservation systems (the Code). Most of the countries have multiple operating airline companies, which makes it a highly competitive market. If it is not certified soon, it may need cockpit changes that will restrict its commonality and limit its appeal to many airlines. Aviation has always been a tough industry. , . Available at: (Accessed 21 June 2021). Click a link to view its search results. Finally, and notwithstanding the foregoing, it is important to acknowledge that Brexit has granted the UK some autonomy to apply its own rules and regulations independent of the EC. Since September 11, 2001, several air carriers have sought to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, including United Airlines, the second-largest U.S. air carrier, US Airways, the seventh-largest U.S. air carrier, and several smaller competitors. Detailed PESTEL Analysis of Airline Industry. Recruiting staff into the industry quickly has been difficult. These forms of combined travel are protected as a package under the Directive; in particular, where the travel services are booked at the same time and as part of the same booking process or where they are offered for an inclusive price. The United Kingdom was a signatory to the Geneva Convention in 1948 but has not ratified it. injunctions to prevent the other side from doing something or requiring the other party to do something; possession orders to take control of an aircraft and other aviation assets; and. This will depend entirely on the CTC and its requirements in the case of an aircraft, debtor location or aircraft registration in a CTC country (and compliance with the formalities set out in Article 7 of the CTC), and an aircraft mortgagee may be able to rely on the rights and remedies available under the CTC for such international interest in the relevant aircraft. The DPA 2018s jurisdictional scope includes persons who: (b) have an office, branch or agency in the UK; or. The data controller remains legally responsible for the processing of personal data by the data processor. And according to the research and analysing, economy factors and political factors might be the two key drivers. In 2011 alone, over 2.8 billion passengers were transported by the world's airlines. This case reaffirms the CAAs decision to take enforcement actions against airlines in relation to passenger compensation. In most countries, there are strict regulations for the aviation industry. Legal factors that impact on the aviation (airline) industry The aviation industry is widely impacted by a number of rules and regulations. The more usual course of action from a practical point of view is therefore to obtain a court order notwithstanding the rest. Fla. 2021). Whilst the regulator is the same in all three cases, there are different regulations and standards which have to be adhered to by operators in these different sectors. Requests from the airport for airlines to restrict ticket sales were not well made. Further guidance on the requirements for registration of aircraft on the United Kingdom Register of Civil Aircraft is available at Among the changes to data protection legislation implemented via the GDPR, some key points include: i) requiring freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous consent from a data subject which must be as easy to withdraw as it is to give; ii) the provision of clear and unambiguous information regarding what the data is to be used for, how long it is to be used for and the requirement to set out exactly what the data subjects rights are in relation to the personal data they provide; iii) maximum fines for breach of the GDPR are the higher of 4% of annual global turnover or 20 million; iv) requiring organisations which engage in regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale to appoint a data protection officer (also known as a DPO); and v) the requirement for those processing personal data to be accountable and provide adequate technical and organisational measures to protect any personal data held. , . The initiative, which was launched in 2004, seeks to improve the European air traffic management system in order to reform the European airspace, from a perspective of capacity, efficiency and environmental impact. In recognition of the need for more immediate action, in June 2016 the EC published Interpretative Guidelines on the Regulation, to clarify the understanding of passenger rights in this area. Aviation industry is all about technology. Air transport started in the 1920s. Several policies have been devised to protect passengers more than the aviation industry. The CAA acts in the regulation of aviation without detailed supervision by the Government. The Environment Agency and Natural England are the two bodies with responsibilities in these areas. A request for permission to appeal can (and if appeal is to be sought, should) be made to the lower court at the hearing at which the decision to be appealed is made. In the past few years, there has been a reduction in business class travelling which is a huge loss for the companies. A joint venture between airline competitors would, therefore, have to satisfy the four exemption criteria of section 9 CA 1998 and (save for where such venture relates to exclusively UK routes or operations) Article 101(3) TFEU. Overall, the global airline market is expected to continue its recovery in 2023, with profitability on the horizon as the industry adapts to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The airline industry is not an exception. For financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2016 and, if the directors of the acquirer so decided, financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2015, the acquirer qualifies as small or medium-sized if it, or the group of which it is a member (as defined in section 474 of the Companies Act 2006), has satisfied certain criteria laid down by the CMA (which is more fully detailed in the relevant section of the government website: On 2 December 2015, a provisional deal was reached by the European Parliament and Council on an EU Directive regulating the use of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime, and was endorsed by the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee on 10 December 2015. Tensions remain high, and the confined aircraft cabin is never a good place for that. Assistance of the local police is routinely available to AAIB investigators to secure an accident site. The number of passengers may decrease while the cost of raw materials may increase. Concluding, it can be said that the global airline industry has become very competitive and is a very expensive business as well. Includes regulatory history, Supreme Court case history, bills, and Congressional materials (reports, hearings, and other documents). Tensions remain high, and the confined aircraft cabin is never a good place for that. Border controls and checks will become more strict, too, with the removal of free movement. The state of the airline industry is strong. capping the percentage by which charges at a particular airport may be increased, by a certain percentage or by reference to a particular index (such as the Retail Price Index)). Users of airports are subject to airport charges, which are regulated by the CAA under the Civil Aviation Act 2012 and the Airport Charges Regulation 2011. Ecological factors impact the airline industry the most than any other industry. It has set one for domestic aviation, but it is worth noting that international aviation is excluded from these. In addition, on 27 October 2016 the Commission closed an investigation it had opened in February 2011 on free-flow parallel hub-to-hub codeshare arrangements between Lufthansa and Turkish Airlines, finding: that Lufthansa and Turkish Airlines did not have full marketing rights to each others seat inventory; that they applied differing pricing strategies; and that the codeshare accounted for only a marginal share of the parties sales on the relevant routes. If the relevant mortgagor is a company registered in England and Wales, in order to obtain all the protections conventionally afforded to a mortgagee, it will be necessary to also register the relevant mortgage at Companies House pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act 2006, as it will become void against an appointed insolvency agent of the mortgagor (whether an administrator, a liquidator or a secured creditor). Shaw, A., 2021. The significant distinction between the doctrines of force majeure and frustration is that frustration ends the entirety of the contract, whereas force majeure may discharge a party from a standalone obligation. There are several reasons for this. The links below are to pre-populated searches of the HOLLIS catalog by LCSH keyword. South African Airways (B) case study (referred as " Airways" for purpose of this article) is a Harvard Business School . Climate changes also have an impact on the aviation industry as airlines are now required to practice green flying procedure for protecting the environment. With regard to non-overlapping block space and interlining agreements, these are viewed by EU regulators as pro-competitive and have been accepted subject to commitments by the EC in several merger clearance decisions pursuant to Regulation 139/2004 (please see: Air France/KLM, Case COMP/M. Air Carrier Liability (No 2) Regulations 2004 Statutory Instrument No 1974 2004. The UK implements the relevant requirements by way of the legislation discussed below. Frustration of a contract will only occur if: If frustration is proven, it results in the contract ending immediately and all outstanding obligations being discharged. A fee is payable to the CMA in respect of relevant merger situations. In summary: (a) the agreement should generate efficiency gains for the parties or promote economic progress (e.g. A party requires permission to appeal from a County Court or High Court decision. It has stuck with this view post-COVID starting in July 2022 that it sees the need for up to 6,000 new pilots per year for the next 20 years just in Europe. The CAA regulates all aviation activity (apart from military). perpetual discounting). How does this affect businesses though?, you might ask. They may get stuck in legal proceedings. As at the time of writing, the airports website stated that [w]e are currently consulting with investors, government, airline customers and regulators on our next steps. The industry, like airlines, needs to maintain a clear image. Case study: airline industry's covid meltdown. 4.1 How does your jurisdiction approach and regulate joint ventures between airline competitors? ICLG - Aviation Laws and Regulations - United Kingdom Chapter covers common issues in aviation laws and regulations - including aircraft trading, finance and leasing, litigation and dispute resolution. Civil proceedings for damages or a specified sum may not be started in the High Court unless the value of the claim exceeds 100,000; if not, proceedings should be started in the County Court. It can help them to stay away from crashes or technical faults. It constitutes notice of the relevant mortgage being given to all relevant third parties, and all persons are thereby deemed to have express notice of all of the details appearing in the United Kingdom Aircraft Mortgage Register. Londons Stansted had previously been required to hold a licence but since April 2014 the CAA has held that it no longer meets the market power requirements and is no longer required to hold a licence. 4.6 Are there any sector-specific rules which govern the aviation sector in relation to financial support for air operators and airports, including (without limitation) state aid? On the positive side, vaccination protection is improving worldwide, and governments are less focussed on lockdowns and travel bans than they were in 2020. as a self-help remedy. Another political factor influencing the tourism industry worldwide is tax incentives. Customers tend to choose airlines based on the characteristics of their services, which include on-board amenities, safety, entertainment, and ground services (Wen & Yeh, 2010). 1.5 Are air charters regulated separately for commercial, cargo and private carriers? For example, London Heathrow is owned by Heathrow Airport Holdings Limited (formerly BAA) which is owned by FGP Topco Limited, a consortium led by Ferrovial SA; Aberdeen, Glasgow and Southampton airports are owned by AGS Airports Limited which is jointly held by Ferrovial SA (via Faero UK Holding Limited) and AGS Ventures Airports Limited; Manchester Airport is owned by Manchester Airports Group plc; and London Gatwick is owned by French VINCI Airports (majority shareholder) and Global Infrastructure Partners. Yes. This evaluation considers a demand-side perspective, whereby customers consider all possible alternatives of travelling from a city of origin to a city of destination, i.e. Thereafter, permission may be sought directly from the appeal court. Furthermore, a person or corporate body acquiring an interest is exempt from paying a merger fee if, in its most recent financial year before the time the fee would become payable, it meets the criteria for small or medium-sized enterprises, as defined by reference to certain provisions in the Companies Act 2006. The principles of financing and leasing (whether operating or finance leasing) are well established under English law and particularly in the case of clearly-drafted agreements setting out the basis for acquisition of title in an aircraft or other aviation assets. The airline industry has been hit particularly hard, as the number of people flying in the trading) of aircraft in England and Wales. This avoids additional administrative hurdles resulting from the ratification of the CTC, but at the same time means that it is not possible to register such pre-existing interests. The judgment provides much-needed clarity on which contractual wording covers losses resulting from the pandemic. Airlines must ensure that a clearly legible and visible notice containing prescribed wording is displayed to passengers at check-in, and must provide passengers affected by denied boarding with a notice setting out the rules for compensation. These are the macroeconomic factors that can affect a company's performance. 2.2 Is there a register of aircraft mortgages and charges? To that end, lease terms and conditions conventionally contain an indemnification of the owner/lessor of a relevant aircraft against losses and/or claims it incurs as a result of a repossession action. The Civil Aviation (Chargeable Air Services) (Records) Regulations 2001 govern the format and content of the aircraft movement log, which must be kept at any airport pursuant to section 88 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982. Thats why were writing this series of articles about each one of the categories, including their definitions, importance, and plenty of examples. in respect of maintenance or repair of the aircraft or in respect of an unpaid purchase price for the aircraft) has been satisfied. On the other hand, consumer law in itself makes a business for some private watchdog companies. Managers have ______ direct influence over external forces in the firm's general environment than those in the firm's task environment. 'PESTLE Analysis of Airline Industry | Marketing Tutor', Marketing Tutor, [online]. (3) Drones weighing more than 20kg must comply with all rules within the ANO as if they are a manned aircraft, subject to any exemptions from the CAA. Thats all there is to legal factors in PESTLE analysis! A failure to do so can incur a fine of up to 1,000. The Transport Act 2000 provides that an aircraft may be detained and sold where its operator has not paid charges relating to air navigation services provided by the CAA, the Secretary of State or Eurocontrol. As a Regulation, it has direct effect in each EU Member State as well as the Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA). (g) firms carrying on business in Scotland; in this sub-paragraph firm has the same meaning as in the Partnership Act 1890 (c39). The Secretary of State has statutory powers relating to aviation security (see, for example, the Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990). For example, the continued effects of coronavirus may not be seen as unforeseeable for new contracts made after the initial pandemic outbreak, therefore if the events defined in a force majeure clause must be unforeseeable, it could be argued that any coronavirus-related issues do not suspend obligations. This is affecting airlines, airports, and other companies globally - but the situation is particularly acute in Europe and the UK so far. 3.3 Which courts are appropriate for aviation disputes? afficher des publicits et des contenus personnaliss en fonction de vos profils de centres dintrt; mesurer lefficacit des publicits et contenus personnaliss; et. Certified copies of the entries on the Mortgage Register are available at 31 per aircraft. By way of example only, restrictions and taxes which apply to international but not domestic carriers. Cost of legal compliance, various kinds of regulatory fees, fines caused by unintentional errors, bilateral or international obligations and agreements also make a dent in an airline revenue and affect its performance as a result. '>IX]awn Ok%!L:DB 3BL3embBR[;wS{Lm,VZyVex0r9IqCa]TIR.l V7 NGM#aQ2KD%gNg~x`"ad[B"6tg5[/n#j]bBye 196^[N h2"M(H,yUW JqL>u#oJ If you are an affiliate of Harvard Law School, you are welcome to contact us at for additional help. 2.9 To what extent is there a risk from the perspective of an owner or financier that a lessee of aircraft or other aviation assets in your jurisdiction may acquire an economic interest in the aircraft merely by payment of rent and thereby potentially frustrate any rights to possession or legal ownership or security? The UK will no longer be able to exert an influence through the Single Sky Committee, but will continue to be able to participate more indirectly, such as through its involvement in standardisation bodies such as EUROCAE and ETSI. In order for the licence to be granted, the CAA must be satisfied that the applicant fulfils the conditions set out in EU Regulation 1008/2008, including that: 1.3 What are the principal pieces of legislation in your jurisdiction which govern air safety, and who administers air safety? There is a 500,000 cap on the amount of damages that can be claimed (although this can be waived if agreed by the parties). an O&D city pair (which generally are considered non-substitutable by a different city pair). You can find the complete PESTLE analysis of Anthropologie here on our site. 160,000, where the UK turnover is over 120 million. Legal factors can decide whether or not there is a business behind selling a certain product (perhaps drugs, or sharp objects), and can also affect the mechanisms through which a company stocks their inventory or interacts with the customer. The legislation applicable to UK merger control is the Enterprise Act 2002 (the Act). 1. In addition, local authorities play a role at the local level, as do various governmental agencies and bodies such as the Environment Agency and Natural England; and. Civil disputes concerning personal injury or property damage may be pursued in the Queens Bench Division of the High Court or in the County Court in accordance with the criteria summarised below. The standby runway would not be lengthened so it could not be used for long-haul flights, according to the plan. In relation to a), the supply, charter or hire of qualifying aircraft are zero-rated for VAT purposes. Similarly, the mortgagee of an aircraft registered with the CAA may take peaceful possession of an aircraft following a similar default and it will then, in addition, have the power to sell the relevant aircraft if such power is properly and expressly described in the relevant mortgage agreement. Here are some issues which can directly impact the business of airline companies: A country's economic condition is directly related to the business operating within the country. Note: In HOLLIS, you can limit a search results list, such as by type of resource, date, or holding library, by using the filtering options on the right side of the screen. If an exemption is sought, specific details of the drone (including photographs and schematic diagrams) should be submitted to the CAA. Pirates of the Caribbean Series It should be noted, however, that this priority position of an aircraft mortgage is nevertheless subject to certain other in rem rights (liens) of third parties to retain or detain the relevant aircraft until a claim for payment (e.g. Available at: (Accessed 21 June 2021). These have defined the relevant market in decisions regarding the aviation sectors as follows: Origin and Destination (O&D) City Pairs. Community Air Carrier Liability Order 2004 Statutory Instrument No 1418 2004. Blog authored by Klemchuk LLP, a patent law firm. If the clause does not explicitly address costs being recoverable in the occurrence of a triggering event, the general common law position is that costs are not recoverable. In 2019, commercial aviation firms emitted over 900 million metric tons of CO 2, which is an increase from 627 million metric tons of CO 2 emissions in 2004. It is very crucial to do the PESTEL analysis. Available at: (Accessed 21 June 2021). They need to upgrade continuously and incorporate the green flight ideas as much as possible. Political factors:- 1.11 Are there any specifically environment-related obligations or risks for aircraft owners, airlines, financiers, or airports in your jurisdiction, and to what extent is your jurisdiction a participant in (a) the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) or a national equivalent, and (b) ICAOs Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)? The airline may lose customers for the lack of security to those parts. The ICO has the power to fine data controllers up to 17.5 million or 4% of annual worldwide turnover (whichever is higher) for breaches of the UK GDPR and DPA 2018. 'PESTLE Analysis | Generating Better Profit Margin for an Airline Industry', PESTLE Analysis, [online]. As the airline industry continues to grow, they need to pay more attention to improve their service. A long-running commission of enquiry, chaired by Sir Howard Davies, gave its recommendation in July 2015 that a third runway be built at London Heathrow. The ICOs other coercive powers include issuing information notices requiring organisations to provide it with information and issuing binding undertakings to organisations with which they must comply.

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