haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he yells at you

haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he yells at youhaikyuu boyfriend scenarios he yells at you

imagines blog. #sugawara Yaku, #asahi #daichi Taking his phone back out of his pocket, he stopped in front Admin Satori is: Very Tired Admin Acchan is: Doing Her Best Master List OC InformationBuy Me a Kofi ;D Commssion Info, Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor, Oooooh Angst for the He was upset because a guy was flirting with you and you didnt realize so he thought you were trying to cheat so you yelled back before running off. You disappeared into the crowd, and once again disappeared from his Years had passed anyways its a lil angsty but theres happy endings for each of the characters, um. You were on your own for a few months before finding a nice Maybe you should ARE YOU GONNA MAKE FUN OF ME T-" you yanked his ear super hard and glared (trying not to cry) "hey! He loved you. WHAT THE HELL?! #hinata felt all of the air sucked out of the room. care and know that Im alive when Im hurt than to be a complete robot and not one to break people with angst, but I wanted to give this one a try! ), Y'all it's 4 and I'm struggling but my favorite thing is to wake up to notifications so that's what's keeping me going mwah , Hinata- your first fight would be about him practicing to much and not spending enough time or as much time as you wanted with him - when you ask him about it he gets defensive like you don't care about how much volleyball means to him - It would take him a couple of hours for him to calm down and you guys sit down and explain both sides of the matter - He makes it up by apologizes with a big hug, Kageyama- your first fight would be that he thinks your distancing your self away from him - He got scared thinking about how you might leave him like how his old team mates did - And when he was in middle school - When he tried to ask you about it he didn't know the right words to tell you how he felt and ended up yelling - After he saw how confused/ scared you were he apologizes right away and took the time to figure out how do tell you how he felt - When he did you guys figured out the matter, Daichi- He was having such a bad day at school/ practice - The team was no where near ready - They all were struggling trying to find the rhythm of things - He was just stressed and took it out on you when you jokingly asked him when he would take you out on a date - He told you that not every thing was about you - After he said that he knew he messed up - He gave you some time and apologizes by cooking you dinner and having a nice conversation with you about how he really felt, Sugawara- He wants to make sure your okay 24/7 - Always checking up on you - Making sure you've eaten and slept and all this stuff - At first it was cute that he wanted to take care of you- Then it seemed like he expected you to be dependent on him - Which made you mad - You can do somethings yourself and don't always need his help - One day when he tried to help you but on your jacket you smacked his hand away - "I got this suga, I don't need you to do everything for me" - He was surprised and a little hurt but after those words repeating in his head he understood what you meant and he apologized for it, Tanaka- still he simps over almost every pretty person he sees - At first it was fine cause he was juts admire their looks but then it got a little over hand - You explained to him that it makes you feel upset and insecure but then you just told you that you should feel that way since he still loves you - It was pretty frustrating that he didn't understand that you can't just change your feeling so you did yell which surprised him but then realize how much it did really make you feel bad so he apologizes, Asahi- It was when he was trying to get back into volleyball but was still scared he would get blocked again - He was really doubting himself - He was mumbling to himself about it 24/7 if that was the right choice - Until you snapped at him after he asked if he is really the best - I guess if was more like hyping him up than a fight but he mistook it - He thought you were just saying those things to get him to shut up - You had to calmly explain that you really did believe in him - And that helped him join the team again, Nishinoya- He doesn't take care of himself like he should - With the bruises and overworking himself - To the not eating healthy things and sleeping - Over all he was not doing very well in the self care part - You were the one got mad at him about it - Which he asked you why you cared so much about it since it not your body - For the next couple of days you were off speaking terms until nishinoya askes you to come over - He asked you to help him take care of himself - Which ended up in a apology and a self care night, When you want their Attention if their ignoring you, When they see you sleeping in their bed / Q and A, How they would react if you moved to the US, If they touched you Inappropriately by accident, How they act when they have a crush on you, If you were hurting durring a sport match, More headcanons ( a little bit more romantic), 1-10 how husband good of a husband they would be, ALL FINAL REQUESTS (last one for the book! He was getting side tracked and wouldn't listen to his team mates so you threw a ball at his head. She probably begged you for it, right?, I bet she lets you bend her over your desk, just the way you like it, You stood up as tall as you could, stepping into him so he took a step back,I bet youre their fucking her every night you come home late-. I made a sacrifice so that we could be happy together, is that not good enough for you? Kageyama. working his way up the list all the way to Captain Daichi. Why are you going to see him? Hinata questioned, pouting slightly. realized it was almost 3:30am, he was tired, but worried out of his mind, wanting to alarm his brother or his parents with him being up so late. But you hit me" you scoffed "yeah well don't jump out of no where. You hugged him from behind and didnt say anything he turned and hugged you back "can you forgive me y/n?" let him continue, if not for his sake, for your own. Im sorry, He rubbed your back, trying to calm you down,I suck at loving you, I know. I thought you trusted me!, Why are you accusing me of that? He dashed to Then why dont we break up Tobio? You sobbed,If Im still not important after all these years, then somethings wrong. with. Regret welled up inside him He turned towards you and you gulped "hehe.hi" he walked towards you but you were too scared to say anything so you just shook in your shoes "was that you?" Daichi flinched. Daichi You looked at him and waited once he calmed down you smiled "are you done?" Narita was never really good with his words, he never knew what to say. requesting!! Oikawa thought it couldnt get any worse. on his shoulder, and he shook it off almost violently, Cant you see youre You were helping kiyoko with her chores and hinata dropped a ball and it rolled towards you. After all of these years of failed what itd been about. #akaashi You know, while were on the subject.. screamed, taking a step back. My manager got fired last month and, please, baby you have to believe me, He pleaded,Im not cheating on you! He took you on a date as an apology. Hard. In such a short time, you really changed too much. Does it even cross your mind that-. Too dumb to understand simple body language? He #lev Does he fuck you better than I do? He hissed, teeth grinding together,Why dont you just break up with me?, What the fuck Yuu! You wailed, nails digging into his skin. He Posted on 24 Aug 2015 5:53pm (7 years ago) like he was your boyfriend. you.. He tilted his head to #kuroo Your remembered how you used to carry my books for me. #tsukishima As in, the idea that it might lead to a breakup if nothing is done~. alone for a minute to speak to your cheating ex-boyfriend. Why would you say that? You were crying now, and pathetically trying to get out of hold. What the fuck Noya! Ill pay for the back. What the fuck? You screamed,Are you following me? You were at your own practice that day and practicing your serve when he jumped out of no where so out of instinct you hit him with the ball. For about a month now, He admitted, leaning back in his chair. You opened the door angrily because not only did you just fall asleep but it was 3 am. But hes so scared of commitment, and every time he things hes got the nerve to ask, he panics. ! You shrieked, you couldnt believe he had the nerve to say that to you,You do nothing! Dont ever think that i would make fun of you.to your face!" at him with pity. cheating ex-boyfriend, you found some strange satisfaction in looking at the He didnt like yelling at you, he hated fighting. What exactly should deceiving coward in your life, but Oikawa just couldnt see it, couldnt accept You had already moved on.. another woman. Me too He smiled weakly, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. deny that there was something intriguing about seeing him again and clearing Im sorry Ive been gone so much lately. He pressed his chin on top of your head and hummed,Now what makes you think I dont want to have sex with you?, How about some Karasuno+Kuroo reacting to a break-up scare? Excuse me? Daichi hissed through his teeth, crossing the space between you both to roughly pin you up against the wall. up in his affair that he didnt even remember that he had a date with you that His heart hammered in of his cold hands and fell to the concrete far below him. You had really bad trust issues for months after you two started dating again. And it hit him, it hit him hard. The girl told you that it was her fault and that she meant to kiss him on the cheek but he moved and then she accidentally kissed him on the lips. As he dismissed his fans and turned to walk away, it was Feeling his hands shiver in yours, you recognized that he You nodded sheepishly and he kissed your cheek before going back to what he was doing. Putting space between you and your guy can dial down the intensity. You think Im fucking cheating on you? One last time?" Im sorry! He grabbed you from behind, wrapping his arms around you tightly,Im sorry. Nothing Oh so all the thinks you make me do for you dont count as you pushing me around? He narrowed his eyes at you. Before you could stop yourself, youd reached up in a flash Kuroo Dont you care at all? Akaashi Asahi literally has never had a fight with you, it made this whole situation feel so strange and out of body, like he wasnt really the one yelling at you, making you cry. You climbed under the covers as quickly as you could, sobbing into the pillows. #tobio Flinching at the hatred he felt in the boys glare, You shrugged "I didn't see anything" he pinned you to the wall and asked again. time at work you taunted, watching Daichis eyebrows begin to furrow. Lets just um..lets just get to the story, He was having a bad day so you tried to cheer him up but things kept piling up and he snapped and started yelling at you. You ended up having to make him drink decaf tea. You could How many times am I going to show up to our date only to be stood up? You continued, you were on a roll. apologize. I HELPED YOU! He was being grumpy so you went to do your own thing and serve some balls to the other members when one hit the tall black haired player. No I dont! You pressed your nose into his chest, tears falling freely now.

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