zybooks is bad

zybooks is badzybooks is bad

Try the first chapter free! It was my first time using zyBooks but it was easy to learn how to use and I like the structure of the problems assigned. i can finish reading offline. It has been very helpful in provding a solid way to learn introduction to C++. useful and effective way to teach the basics of coding since the content is nothing new or cutting edge, helps free up space for the teacher to teach more important/complex concepts. i enjoy the interactive nature of Zybooks, being able to test the concepts and reference the material at the same time is very helpful. Imagine paying $50 to have access to a book for a limited amount of time when i can find practice problems and references online. I am actually really glad my professor choose to use zybooks because she doesn't do zoom and I don't have to worry about that becasue i get all i need to know from here explained in full. It's very easy to understand and do the work. zybooks is bad. It prepared me very much for my class and all the interactive participation was fun to do and very helpful. As it was my first time programming, it provided a clear and organized comprehension method allowing me to catch onto concepts and the language quite quickly. Interface is really intuitive. It was very unhelpful when it came to the written portion because if you wrote the wrong answer there was no help on what the right answer was so you pretty much just had to continue to guess until you got it right or just not do them. It was very helpful with my learning experience in my online programming class. It is also a lot easier to review and practice material. It makes it much easier to focus on the material. There some issues on the CS courses when solving for problems. first experience was really positive. I think it is a great interactive tool to teach mathematics. I was using Codecademy but I have some GI Bill left, so I figured I might as well use. Presents material in a way that is easy to follow while providing activity questions/examples with amazing explanations as to why an answer is wrong or correct. When reviewing the examples I completed, the answer I wrote is erased after logging off or refreshing the page. It's a great resource but reading the lessons is more time consuming then I would like - I wish I could make it move a little faster. very useful especially when we do not have our textbooks. More useful that the actual class and an easy way to learn. I did enjoy how I could search zybooks content. What I dislike about zybooks is we need to pay high prices just to rent the books. You also never talked about memory and underlying representation. Hi everyone, I'm a online tutor, and I get many SNHU students that are taking CS classes, most of them are having contact with a programming language for the first time (mainly python), and a recurring issue that I see with beginners from this university, is that they are completely lost with really basic concepts (assignment, variables, literals, input/output), and the main culprit seems to be the Zylabs. I would say it is a great tool to expand beyond the scope of most courses, but not that helpful in directly assisting in the actual course. I appreciate the non-strict learning style. Practice problems along side book are quite helpful. I think zybooks is a great website and explains the material correctly! I think the lessons are extremely in depth and informative, and especially given the new precautions with the "Covid-19" crisis not allowing me to go to school, I've been able to gain a great understanding of all the material through the zyBooks service. In this course it feels extremely disconnected from the subjects we are learning and putting into practice in homeworks. I dont learn as well just reading text though, I wish there were video explanations and examples. zyBooks are great because they are interactive and explain concepts in detail. However in light of COVID-19 I have not found it as useful but that is partly my fault partly because zybook is not something that is tangible and in front of my face therefore I tend to forget about it. The only reason I dislike zyBooks for the class in question right now is because I feel like it does not link with the class at all, and just that overall the EE__ class at ___ is very poorly structured. So far I like the interaction and feel more confident that I will understand the work. I think it is a helpful resource that allows me to learn at my own pace and work through things slowly without worrying about my grade dropping. I enjoy the interactive modules. After using a zyBook, most student comments show it was worth the price. Overall a great resource I relied heavily on. I especially enjoy the exercises at the end of each section as I use these to study for the exams. It's a very useful website with good technology that helps learning with answering questions. I really like how the zybook has the participation activities. This is my second course through zybooks both of which were for programming and it has helped me learn very well for both classes. Being able to refer back to Zybooks sections was really helpful for my understanding in class. zyBooks is a great learning program that helps the user learn the material that is needed, the hands-on challenge really enhance the learning experience. Its easy to use and easy to learn with it. Instructors: Replace your textbook with an affordable, interactive STEM zyBook proven to build confidence and save time. It is good for learning, but very specific in its requirements, not allowing different strategies to answer the challenges. I loved that the book was interactive it made it easier to learn and understand. This was often frustrating. i love how clearly it explains the material as well as asking questions throughout to make sure that I also practice & understand the material. Get a demo today. $75 after the fact as a pop up "oh were gonna use this " is probably the most annoying thing, considering as a college student we pay for literally everything even existing is expensive so 75 dollars plus tax was the icing on top really. I am enjoying the activities and challenges that are throughout the chapters. zybooks lays out the material in a flow that makes it easier to understand and view. Learn more here. Jose Maya, Student, IUPUI, The combination of online exercises, lectures, and targeted programming assignments, in addition to the book material, provides an effective, multi-tiered approach. Some of the variables it asks for were not booked which made it difficult to understand sometimes what was asked. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Helpful lecture content, labs and challenges. I'm the type of person who learns from being given problems to understand how equations/methods work. I love the real-time feedback on labs and challenge activities, as it allows me to catch my mistakes early on and fix them before they cause me any real trouble. ZyBooks use less text and rely on learning questions, animations and interactive exercises to convey information. Create an account or sign in to enter your code. I think I like the interaction and challenge questions for coding (python). The animations are also useful. It provides examples and a framework for topics that make it easier to learn the material. Honestly, zyBooks was the best digital textbook subscription I have had thus far in my college education. A very good platform that could let students interact with the book. In my opinion, Zybooks puts big name textbook manufacturers to shame. It was helpful for learning Java. And monitoring students progress is an excellent instructor tool. The zylabs were an awful part of the course tho and ended up hurting learning a lot. I can just look at the explanation and understand concept better. I get to the end and feel like all I've learned is how to do math. zyBooks use animations to dynamically illustrate complex concepts. I really enjoyed the fact that the zyBooks had the option to get the answers correct by attempting multiple times until I get it right. With just your email and a couple clicks, any instructor can start evaluating a zyBook right now. Also I love that if there is a question that I don't fully understand I can show the answer and Work backwards if I need to. It helped me understand everything so well. It was very good to understand and helped a lot. Some may skip the advanced part, some will find it useful. A very convenient platform to access information about the course. Really cool program. The participation and challenges are very nice. Though it would be nice if on some of the more difficult problems there would be hints or something to help push us along. It was decent for the majority of the time. Before, I had no experience with python but now i feel confident in my knowledge of the material. I think it is very helpful and easy to follow. Its about the same as a book rental; a scam. It is very interactive, so it helps me learn much better. I learn more by discussions or other physical interactions. Very concise and I love the animations. Involve me and I learn. Additionally, please force instructors to provide a WORKING SOLUTION to their tests when they write strange tests and instructions. it's not that bad but it can be frustrating when many sections are assigned at once, its helpful and allows you to learn online efficiently. It doesn't just expect you to know how to code a sudoku solver or a maze solver. I thought it contains super helpful tips and tricks. Makes it a lot harder on the student to make sense of all of the material. It is easy to use. I think its my learning style. It was fine to use but not my favorite way to learn. It's a really nice way to learn. Much more user friendly then my experience with ____ and ____. Its amazing and walks through step by step. The exercises were involved and helpful, and the material was very comprehensive. Great Job! Zybooks is more then just a textbook. Overwhelming amount of chapters to complete at once, but that was an issue of our course rather than the book itself. It's really thorough and the practice problems help a lot! This was my first time using zybooks and I was very pleased with how the platform worked. It has clear instructions and enough information that anyone, if read all the way, is able to complete it. Zybooks makes it easy to learn the lecture materials in-depth, but it still makes it challenging enough that the information is really understood. The participation activities make sure that you fully understod the concept. I like zybook and the fact that the sections are pretty condensed while still giving you interactive practice. It was helpful as a second source for different algorithms I couldn't quite get the hang of in class. It's helpful, especially the challenge questions. Excellent resource aside from minor errors in code. However, I felt that a lot of the solutions for the additional problems arent explained to their full extent. I love how interactive the information is and the reading to me is not as depth as many study materials. I say an animation is worth 5,000," says Vahid. Their use, compared to traditional reading, requires less time and is less monotonous, as well as often being easier to understand. Text could be broken up better. It worked beautifully. I thought zyBooks was a nice website and had good directions but it just wasn't for me. Welcome to zyBooks's home for real-time and historical data on system performance., .. . But, students deserve the best learning we can provide. I still would prefer someone talking through something I think, but for classes that are not extremely difficult I think this works great. In comparison to other courses with traditional textbooks, zyBooks made it significantly easier to learn the material, practice and study. Sometimes, it takes too much time to do some questions or labs because the requirements are not clear. zyBooks was a good introduction to learning python and made the learning process a lot smoother and easier. However, submitting autograded code was a pain sometimes, forcing me to wait a couple minutes between each upload because the code wasn't exactly how Zybooks wanted. I find the slow pace of the animations (even at 2x speed) to be annoying sometimes, especially when there are a dozen or more so unskippable steps. Also, some of the things that have been used as examples so far have been slightly comforting. Zybooks is a great online resourse to learn hoe to code. The material is concise and easy to follow. I love how ZyBooks performs the guided training, then the labs. I didn't actually have a problem with zyBooks itself, but I didn't like that we were doing the class in C because I don't really have a use it for in my degree (applied math). Annoying but I can understand why we have it. The point of this webpage is this: No matter where you land, you will see mostly positive comments. Zybook was SUPER helpful in learning the material and way better than reading normal textbook chapters. The material was explained clearly, and the participation activities, challenge activities, and labs reinforced what I was learning. It has helped me grow as a code developer. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So worth paying the amount I paid for this class. Overall I found zybooks to be helpful these past two semesters as the way the lessons were provided, helped give a low risk environment while still being able to teach. Concise and engaging courseware helps students learn and retain more. It is very easy to follow and very organized. Canvas integration is good and interactive activities are also nice. Fascinating and shows all steps slowly love it!! I like how it was organized and forced the student to read and understand the material. The exercises seem good and it takes pressure off knowing there is no penalty. We had issues, however, as we progressed to more advanced materials. It is easy to learn with and work through questions with. I think it's really good for studying and practice. I benefitted from the many exercises in coding and reading/solving code outcomes. When someone learns how to program, their first steps generally consists of making programs that print some message on some shell, read inputs from the user, and basic operations with variables. I find zybook to be a great way to study the material for the class, and I enjoy its organization and inclusion of practice problems. Reading and homework exercises are well thought. Very helpful for studying! All reading material was readily available, due dates were clearly written and sections were clearly broken down which made completing homework assignments in multiple sessions very bearable. It really prepares you with its activities and is an overall great addition to this already great site. Before I end this post, I'd like to say that maybe it isn't Zybooks fault. An easy and effective method to learn the material! Pretty easy to use, although the sensitivity to white spaces was rather unnecessary. Had this been new to me I also believe the layout of zyBooks would make it quite easy to learn. dinnington high school alumni. Status embed installed correctly. But I was impressed by the fact that it only cost $58 dollars. Can Zybooks Detect Cheating? - What Box Game I am learning a lot of new things! Interesting learning tool, can seem dense at times but very useful. Availability A good tool to learn if you put the work in. So far it has been extremely useful for diving further into topics, The visual aspect of zybooks is really nice compared to others, I like the interface and the variety of questions, This has been very helpful during the crisis. However resources in the book including interactive opportunities to compile C++ helped me pick up skills quickly but were at time frustrating to use due to adding whitespace out of habit that would mark answers wrong. Very helpful when I needed to refresh on some material. zyBooks has a portfolio of course content featuring interactive exercises and animations. Giving virtual examples of concepts was extremely helpful. zyBooks is freaking awesome. It's much better than other online textbooks. The website is easy to use and the lessons themselves are useful as a supplemental resource along with my course classes. I appreciate all of the practice problems and interactive examples. This is an amazing application. I felt the challenge questions allowed me to prove that I knew what I was doing. It gives me a very good understanding of the material we are going through in class. I would definitely recommend this to professors who are looking to improve their students' metacognitive skills. The field our textbook is based off of is an extremely fluid subject, so unfortunately some small portions were out of date; which were only a year out at the most. I love how you guys explain the problem by pictures and gifs. I found the graphics extremely helpful in understanding how everything interacts in an operating system. The step-by-step visuals where you had to press play over and over felt more tedious than useful since they often didn't demonstrate concepts difficult enough to need such detailed explanations. some instructions can be explained better. zyBooks are designed to work in HTML5-compatible browsers. The challenge for any instructor teaching a first course in programming is helping students "get" programming. it was very informative and really helped me understand each concept. The practice sections were very beneficial. I like the information it covers, but I do wish it was more detailed. I think all professors with flip classrooms should use zybooks. One of the challenge activities gave wrong answers for the questions, and chapter 7 had the sections out of order. I learn things through interactive demos and zybooks fulfilled that requirement. I thought the zyBook was a really great way to present material and see what I was understanding based off of the questions given. Great learning and practice material. It is far superior to _____. Covered the topics well with visualization, text, and activities. I think that it would be helpful if the examples were laid out in a different way, such as the animations for participation activities. For me, zyBooks has always made classes exponentially easier. I really like the interactive features because practicing code right after learning makes it solidify in my memory. This site is great! Students are not used to being so precise with formatting in other subjects. Well continue to educate students and improve on this issue. Pretty good interactive content. Very easy to use and understandable. How do I resolve a whitespace issue in ZyBooks? Also my professor in oparticular stopped teaching via web meetings he just posted videos. zyBooks makes it easy to go back section by section and go over specific material with exercises and slides. Very easy to use, extremely helpful when the material is difficult. zyBooks is very easy to use, user friendly, and provides great learning tools. We added a section Why whitespace matters, and improved feedback on wrong formatting, which have decreased this complaint. Zybooks is a great learning tool that teaches the concepts of topics very well. The only complaint that I have is the Labs are so picky on the code.. I think it was better than reading the textbook by myself. but would be value add more separate reading offline access then lab online access. zyBooks is great! However, I do believe that some of the feedback messages could have been more descriptive/helpful when writing the practice codes. I really like the way zybooks is laid out and some of the activities are helpful, but I find the lessons don't prepare me enough for the big challenge questions at the end. My instructor created mandatory reading assignments (not bad!) I found it overall a great platform to use, especially for a CS class, i feel it is very coveient and modern vs toting a book around with you and selling them back to the bookstore for near to nothing. It was a very useful tool when it came to learning C Programming. I can't figure out where this extra whitespace is and how to get rid of it. It really helped me learn more about Python. the only thing wrong with it per se is often my Professor would assign homework due on Friday nights and not Sundays. I was able to complete HW assignments wherever I was, and the interactive animations really helped me to understand what the book was talking about. Overall the quality of the service was high. I am so beyond grateful for having zyBooks for this course. I am currently in the Scripting and Programming - Foundations class. Of course, nearly every educational publisher can find and post a couple of nice quotes from students. Super easy to use, no technical difficulties. We show 1000 responses dont try to read them all (thats too many), but rather we encourage you to jump around. Oh, one more thing, it was extremely annoying to solve a problem, when the only thing wrong with my program is that I printed out two spaces instead of one. I definitely love the layout of Zybooks, it makes it easier to learn and understand a concept on your own. It was very easy to use although I still found myself using repl.it to create my code for its visual error notifications. zyBooks Touts 'Less Text, More Action' ZyBooks is integrated with Canvas. I am enjoying the material except zyBooks is terrible. I like how it's very interactive and how it is organized. Easy to navigate. I believe that zyBooks is the best way to learn, because it is an interactive textbook. Zybook is a very easy to use, instructional book which can give a lot of information in a short amount of time. I deeply appreciate the information and comprehension questions being baked together. Instructors can mix and match zyBooks and can combine multiple "catalog zyBooks into one zyBook." This web Design class has been a little better. Having a relatively inexpensive (relative to other textbooks) text that is online was pretty nice and the interactive examples and problems made content easier to understand. I enjoyed zyBooks because it is interactive. I thought it was a very good way to help me learn C++. I like zybooks, I enjoy the interactive aspect of it, and the fact that it helps me understand concepts and it is something I can easily go back to. Huge waste of my valuable time. Pretty good learning platform, has been pretty useful. By far my favorite online textbook platform, love the interactive modules and progress tracker! However sometimes even if youve done it incorrectly in the activities it doesnt tell you. Very useful in a supplement to lectures. Zybooks gave a more in depth look at lessons, which I appreciated. What Do Students Really Think of zyBooks? Each zyBook chapter contains animations, questions and interactive elements that help students internalize challenging concepts. Another rare complaint indeed relates to cost. I did find that there were some syntax errors and I did report them. It's overwhelming to them and underwhelming at the same time, overall this is not a balanced way to teach coding. View ourentire zyBooks Catalog. Really good interface, although the processing of some assignments is very slow. To submit, add a space, delete the space, then submit. The exercises evaluate and develop understanding. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at zyBooks. Great way to learn, it is engaging, it makes sense, aids in my understanding. Works very well. vrbo trip board comments; sysco teamsters contract; dr john gemma net worth. Zybooks helps reinforce concepts taught in class without being overbearing. It helps me learn the things that we don't go over or don't go in depth enough in class. We used zyBooks during each class and for any assignments. zybooks detects cheating. At first, I was skeptical, but I like the participation activities much more than the _____ format. Since this is the first c++ programming class that I have taken, I felt really lost on some of the topics that we went over. From Mind to Market: zyBooks | UCR Magazine First is a unique experience compare to others third parties learning website. Honestly pretty good for consolidating and reinforcing retainment of material, I found it to be a pretty engaging and low-stakes way to read a textbook, its a great and interactive way to learn course material. I think this is a wonderfully effective tool and am very excited to have been introduced to it. I learn better in a hands-on environment. Posted on February 22, 2022 by . I find much more engaging than a tradition textbook. One of the best designed textbooks (electronic or paper) I have ever used! I thought it was very engaging for the student. Usually, I generally am okay with zyBooks for the few classes I take it with. One of the outputs was not right if you plug it into a formula. The platform offers interactive tools, responsive questions, and animations to improve the overall learning experience. For example, one of the chapters used memory allocation in an example but the memory allocation topic wasn't until a few chapters later. My only complaint with it has less to do with zyBooks itself and more about the length of the content. Argentina. It was great since it had a bunch of examples and showed you different situations with every topic. Very helpful videos and illustrations when learning complicated Data Structures programs. The survey can be taken anonymously and takes just 3-5 minutes. However, I believe the book does not go in-depth in several areas that would be helpful for solving the questions. I stared at and attempted the lab for over 45 minutes before understanding what it asked, but there was no helpful hints on where to even start. It worked well and it explained concepts well enough. Zybooks is really cool, is a smart guy, and doesn't afraid of anything. A couple of times I had the code correct but zyBooks insisted that it was wrong. over simplifies the concepts and the graphic things are too slow, Easy to use learning platform, and the challenge activities can help students learn better. zyBooks was an amazing service that helped me practice and understand harder topics within this curse, I think that it is a good way to teach the material. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. One professor just reviewed what was on the zybooks. and taking so many classes at a time that is critical. Learn The Ways to Get Best zyBooks Answers - TakeOnlineClassHelp zyBooks helps you learn in an interactive way. This is supposed to be a pretty fast paced/ intense class though (from what I've heard), so I might not like it after seeing it 30-40 hours a week. I like it but I sometimes struggle to understand what the free response type questions want specifically. This is my first time using zyBooks, but so far everything has been intuitive and easy to use. Material is good as it walk throughs the topics. It helps students with STEM courseware and improves their subject-matter concepts. Zylabs deprives the student of that experience. I've used it for multiple classes and really enjoyed it especially the diagrams are always helpful. the website and platform is organized very well, it is easy to read and functions well. I think the material itself was a hard subject, thus it was hard for me to learn. zyBooks especially for someone like me that is not very quick with information about technology and computers this allows me to focus on key information and not just get through the material without actually learning and applying new concepts. I do find it helpful however, I feel having some videos where someone is taking us through the algorithms will be better than us keep playing play. The format is a huge improvement on typical online textbooks. zyBooks is a great interactive learning tool that helps fill in the gaps between my lectures. Although sometimes you come across smoething in a lesson that has not been taught yet (until a later chapter). There is no point in buying a zybook if the contents just lock back after my rental has ended. It was a nice view of the subject covered in this class. I thought the material was too trivial, though I am a fairly experienced programmer and others may have been more challenged. This was my first time working with an interactive book and I was able to learn and understand concepts better. I think I learned a lottt! I really liked the platform, material presentation followed a logical progression. Not only does it help with my classwork, the modules and quizzes are very helpful and I'm grateful that the quizzes show the correct answer. I don't think I have any complaints except that we lose it once the subscription for it is over. not reliable at times. We look carefully at feedback from: surveys (as above), the feedback buttons in our content, support tickets, verbal feedback from our interactions with instructors via our sales reps, demos, research talks, and more. It's a decent software that helps you learn the material most of the time. I don't think zybooks did a good job of explaining some of the bigger factors, or the more in depth aspects. to long and need to be able to go back to the previous easier and better named, helped me learn better than just reading my textbook.

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