punisher family death scene daredevil

punisher family death scene daredevilpunisher family death scene daredevil

Looking at his former friend, Russo noted that the Punisher was not looking too good, before noting that if anybody could be with him as he died, he was glad it was the Punisher. Schultz opened the door, asking what was wrong. Unwilling to allow two more children to die because of Russo's actions, Punisher then proceeded to fire off several grenades into the air, intending to distract Russo for a brief but vital moment while he made his move to get closer. Despite having the chance to honor their memories and accept their deaths, Castle believes his vengeance against those who murdered them is more important and ultimately what drives him to war. Punisher Prison Fight Scene _ Daredevil (2x9) [HD]2024 But not just to yourself, you've gotta admit it to everybody else. Still furiously beating down the walls with his sledgehammer, Castle kept on working late on his shift, while Lance and his friends tease him as they walk past him before going to Murphy's for a drink. This caused the Russians to join the fight, as Punisher was kicked in the back by Vor, pushing him into another man who he had knocked into a barbel. You here? 'The Punisher': What to remember before watching | EW.com ""Yeah, it was. Castiglione.""Sarah. Now that those handcuffs were taken off, Castle then commented on Madani's survival and questioned if she saved his life, as James had stepped forward, commenting that they would not take away his life. The Punisher's ending explained - Digital Spy Another Captain America death comes in the Punisher Kills story line. [15], For her, there was never going to be any tomorrow, see. As Bendix noted that Barrett's suggestion seemed risky, Castle had then noted that he was lying through his teeth. How high does this conspiracy go? She recognized Castle and asked if he killed Carson Wolf. [6], Look, Madani, it's all in that tape, okay. Having noted how the Punisher was now a wanted man, Russo then questioned him over what exactly was on all of the computers, only for the Punisher instead questioned where Lieberman's family were, as Russo promised they were with him and could be put into danger soon. While they were distracted, the Punisher cut off the head of one of the mercenaries and strapped a grenade to it, before simply tossing the bloody head at them as they all looked on in horror. Bendix asked if she could have one, but Castle refused. Since Bendix continued looking at him, Castle glanced over to her again, as she again questioned what he wanted, to which Castle had just claimed that Bendix was the one who had actually been looking at him, before he questioned if Bendix was doing okay, only for her to just pay Quinn for the drink and then walk away from the bar. Clear a path for an evac. Season 3 is absolutely excellent. No one else needs to get hurt. He later fired a machine gun into Nesbitt's meeting of the Kitchen Irish in Burren Club, killing them all before finding the Mexican Cartel and hanging them on meat hooks. Castle told her to grab the gun and push it away hard. Castle told Page what he remembered about that day, reliving the horror and regret of failing his family. As 'Punisher' debuts, Jon Bernthal reveals why veterans relate to his Bernthals Punisher is just a whole new level. ""Yes he will. Patiently waiting for a perfect shot, the Punisher then fired a single bullet, which struck sicario directly in the forehead, killing him instantly before the horrified prostitutes. Allow us to explain. Once obtained, Castle ignored Micro's suggestion to tip off the authorities or call Hoyle, knowing the latter would try to fix Wilson. As they waited in the Apartment, Castle and Amy Bendix played card games, in which Bendix showed Castle the game of keeping track on her hidden Queen, which she would carefully shuffle, as Castle would become annoyed that she was beating him at the game. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It'll be my trap. When Quinn asked what happened, Castle explained that he had been in the Marine Corps, before Quinn commented on the wedding ring that Castle now wore as a necklace. He's got a place for us. Castle met with Fisk in the outdoor gym. From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Getting his mind back on the mission, Punisher checked through his rifle scope and discovered that Russo had kidnapped Carl and Hayley and tied them to the horses, with wounds that they were bleeding heavily from. This virus affects multiple superheroes and villains as well, which is why it's also where Punisher does much of his hero killing. Castle brought Schultz back to the trailer, hoping to use him against his enemies. What really happened to the Castle family that day? Suddenly, Karen Page arrived, claiming to be Castle's lawyer. Frank ties a knife to the end of an arrow, and fires it at The Hulk's eye. Castle soon fell asleep, but had a recurring nightmare about the death of his family. Castle told Madani about their Operation Cerberus, which he called a covert CIA operation, claiming that their mission was to apprehend, interrogate and assassinate targets in Afghanistan. Ive watched these rooftop scenes so many times. ""It would be a shame for us to take that from you.Frank Castle and Marion James. The handcuffed Castle took the chance to attack Fisk, headbutting him, but the wounded and exhausted Castle was swiftly overpowered and beaten down by Fisk. Castle started to tracking and eliminating all members of three gangs and other criminals along the way. Remember, only this site's policies fully apply in this site. Now here you come, trying to go in there and take it all away. Serious people, Karen. [10], Micro began to have second thoughts after seeing the aftermath of Castle's battle, but Castle refused to let him off the hook. As Punisher inspected the various guns, he looked at the bulletproof vest, noticing that the design on the front resembled a skull. However, they were then interrupted by Bendix, who noted that as the situation with Russo was unlikely to be resolved quickly, she had wondered if Madani could use her contacts at Homeland Security to help them with the Russian Mafia, while she had then suggested that Madani could have them deported, much to Castle's frustration, as he did not intend to tell Madani about this. You can't leave, Frank. After a failed mission that nearly kills Frank and the rest of Project Cerberus, Castle attacks Rawlins and damages his eye. Castle admitted that he never really thought of that. Phenomenal dialogue. You know, up close, I'd rather have this than any firearm.Frank Castle to Zach Lieberman, That skull? Donny Chavez asked Castle for any medical skills he had from the United States Marine Corps, but he simply walked away. Once thinking of one, Castle got dressed in O'Rourke's police uniform. They could use Weems's height to suggest that the nightshade dosage wasn't sufficient to kill Weems but enough to make her appear dead as another reference to Shakespeare. After Billy Russo murdered several prostitutes and framed Castle for the crime, he was in disbelief and shock that he took innocent lives, leading to him losing his drive as the Punisher. Punisher (Frank Castle) In Comics Powers, Enemies, History | Marvel . As Daredevil tried to comment about Castle enlisting, he was told not to comment on such things he could not understand, noting how soldiers did not wear masks like vigilantes. Castle assured her it was okay and sat down. Transferred to Ryker's Island for imprisonment, Castle was escorted by Roy Olsky to meet with Wilson Fisk. Castle would warn Hardin, noting that her mercenaries will kill everybody in the station, however, Hardin simply ignores both of them. As he was welcomed inside, Hoyle asked Castle about him giving up the peaceful life, as he questioned what he had been up to, with Castle claiming that it was a long story. Hoyle told Castle that he had a shot too, but also hesitated. Castle revealed that the cameraman was Gunner Henderson. After Hoyle told Castle that he still had half of his life to live, he told Hoyle that he was already dead, although Hoyle insisted that he could still live out a full life as Pete Castiglione, being noted that he already punished anyone responsible for the deaths of his wife and children. When Pilgrim went into the elevator, Castle tried to get in the next one. What do you need? Bendix brought up Castle's daughter, Lisa Castle and asked if he ever envisioned her going off to college. Matt serves has his lawyer and takes his side on several occasions. However, Castle accused Daredevil of treating the city like a playground where criminals should be treated like mere bullies, arguing that his method was more effective. [21], Easy, easy. I said, did you do this to me? . 9:30. Hoyle told him that Castle has rethought the entire situation and did not want to meet. As more and more people came around him, Castle prepared himself for a fight, despite being highly outnumbered by the mobsters, all of whom were armed although they claimed to want him alive, shooting Castle in the neck with a dart gun. As Bendix had then asked what they could do, Castle told her it was time to bring the fight to Pilgrim. But you saved my life. Confused by the apparent betrayal of one of his best friends, Russo demanded answers from Castle to confirm his suspicions that he was responsible for all the scarring on his face. ""What if I was? Castle started to berate Schultz, talking about all of the deaths at the hands of the Schultzes. Castle got even more mad, putting the gun to her face and demonstrating what would happen if she sneaked up on someone again. That shot was carefully, deliberately placed, and did exactly what it was meant to. Rawlins proceeded to kick Castle in anger and knocked him unconscious. As Hernandez went on, Castle was told that the prints and DNA had been wiped from the system and replaced with those of a dead man. The two of them then stormed Nelson's home to find that it was empty. But now I'm here because you need me to deal with Billy. When Nelson asked Schoonover to describe Castle, he told the jury that Castle was a man who would gladly give his life to protect others and was a hero. [14], An anonymous tip led police to this house in Queens where Castle was fleeing the scene. Waking up, Castle's first thought was for Henderson. Castle then realized how he had lost control and realized he was becoming Russo. A nurse then walked it, but it turned out to be Amy Bendix. Thing went on to join forces with the Hulk, but escaped the battle that cost Captain America his life. I've compiled a list of Frank's most vulnerable moments in the Marvel Netflix universe, but a word of caution: Bernthal is the king of ripping your heart out, so brace yourself because there is a . Castle did, however, advise that they locate Ray Schoonover to be the witness for the case. Castle would often arrive to work early and work late into the night hammering down concrete walls by himself, quickly earning him the ire of some of his coworkers. In order to lighten the mood, Castle jokingly reassured Rex by suggesting that he could be a fan of the New York Rangers, since he had noticed that this was not a team that Rex had supported, while they agreed that the Rangers were a bad team. [4], I was with Maria for three months when she got pregnant with Lisa. The two of them got home once Bendix calmed down. Since Castle was not taking it all seriously, Madani then presented him with his Skull Vest, noting that the blood that was on it belonged to him, her and Russo, noting that while Castle got closure, Russo did not, with Madani also insisting that the only closure Russo understood would be a bullet in the head. Castle strapped the last remaining member of the bikers to the driver's seat of the truck and made him drive to the meeting point. However, as Castle began looking at some of these provocative outfits that Clive had for those underage girls he photographed and which were being offered to Bendix, Castle became enraged, as he then proceeded to punch Clive in the jaw, knocking him down to the ground. Russo stood there, bewildered that who he thought was his brother was actually the man who messed him up. Ow! Thing is, every time I try to be someone different, that's when the wrong people get hurt.Punisher to Amy Bendix. Castle then mocked Russo for failing to get past Micro's computers, which was why they had both not been shot down, only for Russo to insist they focus on the exchange for these Lieberman's. Before he went out onto the mission, Bendix then helped Castle remove the plaster cast from his broken wrist, as she noted that it still did not look good, although Castle insisted that it would be found and left their Apartment to go to Kazan's Gym and get answers on what exactly had happened with Konchevsky. In the evening, Castle visited St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church where Hoyle organized a group therapy session for other veterans. One of the greatest things Ive ever done in my life was decide to finally start watching Daredevil (which was actually right after it got cancelled with the other shows) and seeing this scene made me realize just how iconic the show really is and made me appreciate the characters even more. When Daredevil tried to free himself and made more noise, Castle distracted Jerry and quietly and covertly aimed his gun at his head to warn Daredevil to remain silent. Elektra really isn't that compelling, and the Hand could have been done a little better. Once he had what he wanted, Castle prepared to leave, but the greedy Clint tried to convince him to stay by offering pornographic films. Frank enters, shoots a now non-Venom Eddie Brock, then turns his gun on Spider-Man. She yanked the wire out to disarm the bomb, then uses the gun in her bag to shoot him in the foot. Castle was invited in her home. As the crime family began to arm themselves to go after their stolen money, Castle turned off the circuit breaker and quickly dispatched the mobsters before they could retaliate, and once Tony Gnucci turned on the lights, he killed him with his own gun. Using this image as inspiration, Castle went into the garage with the bulletproof vest he found in the armory and began spray painting an image onto it. Before they left the Photo Studio, Bendix noted that Castle was clearly disappointed that he did not get to kill Clive, which he did not comment on as he prepared to leave. The defenseless but determined Castle faced them head on, charging in with a battle cry and began fighting back, desperately trying to stay alive. Dinah Madani then arrived at the same time to talk to Castle. Introduced in 2005'sPunisher#14, Rawlins retains his despicable personality and CIA ties but is tweaked to be part of Frank's new backstory. So I want you to take that weapon you point it at me. Castle didn't want him to get exploded since he want to save him very badly, Hoyle then called the New York City Police Department so that there would be a witness to the explosion, but Castle wanted Hoyle to tell him how to disarm the bomb. [39], You go wait outside. Pilgrim then grabbed a chain and beat Castle with it, wrapping the chain around Castle's neck and pulling. Despite the loud ringing in ears, Castle overheard someone asking for a mission update and saw Agent Orange looking at all of the wounded and severely damaged soldiers, calmly asking if they had successfully killed the target as he wanted. Fearing he was slowly losing his . Killing. The 6 Best Punisher Moments In Daredevil Season 2 But even though Frank Castle didn't show up in Episode 5, that doesn't mean fans of The Punisher should skip it. He searched the bedroom when suddenly, gunshots came through the wall. Micro seemingly suffers a similar fate on The Punisher series, but under different circumstances. ""The bullet you took was meant for me, alright, I owe you.Frank Castle and Dinah Madani. Page then arrived and begged Castle to stop, but Castle ignored her pleas and dragged Schoonover into a nearby cabin. As he searched around, a very bright light turned on, blinding him. Now, see, I called you when I needed you, and you didn't do a goddamn thing, right? As they watched, the street below is rocked by an explosion. As Castle continued to ignore everything they were saying and kept striking the wall, Lance responded by kicking over his lunch box over into the dirt, which then caused Castle to turn around and look Lance furiously in the eye as he tightened his grip on his sledgehammer. Spotting the last gang member enter the warehouse, Castle donned his new Skull Vest and grabbed his weapons before walking to the warehouse. Is this from season 3? Castle paused and asked how old his daughter was: seventeen. When Russo left, Castle and his family stayed in Central Park, unbeknownst to them that William Rawlins and Ray Schoonover decided to have Castle killed for he believed he leaked the torture and death of Ahmad Zubair. He shot the Baxter Building, destroying it and killing Thing, who was inside. I think it's safe to say that Daredevil still has plenty of surprises in store for us. ""I already got a job, Madani. Months after helping Daredevil take down Nobu Yoshioka as well as the rest of the Hand, the Punisher continued to hunt and kill all of the gangs who had been responsible for killing his family. As Rex had suggested that Castle should come to the apartment more often so that he could get the pancakes more often, Castle had expressed his gratitude for the statement. However, Castle was not going to listen. Undoubtedly the second half of the season will hold the answers to this lingering mystery. The series is executive produced by showrunner Steve Lightfoot (Hannibal), Jim Chory (Marvel's Daredevil, Marvel's Jessica Jones, Marvel's Luke Cage) and Jeph Loeb (Marvel's Daredevil, Marvel's . ""This all goes back to Konchevsky, right? With the group coming closer and closer, Castle grabbed one of the mobsters and stole his gun, killing several of his attackers and using his hostage as a human shield, with Rory claiming they wanted Castle alive. Russo claimed that Castle was just like him, despite Castle not wanting to believe it. Having achieved his long-awaited closure, Frank burned down his family home and strode away into the darkness, determined to spend his life punishing criminals. Castle had learned from Hoyle that Billy Russo had been hanging with a group of veterans and that he was now in control of them, so people could potentially die because of him. [5], Well I don't help shit-bag has-been mob bosses. I'm right here! Pilgrim hid behind the corner and they exchanged more shots. Getting up, Castle told Madani about Arthur Walsh, explaining that he was the man who sexually abused Russo when he was a child at Ray of Hope, with Madani making it clear that she already knew the story. But if he don't remember us, who would it be?Frank Castle and Curtis Hoyle. Castle would disguise himself as a homeless man, managed to cross paths with Karen Page. Kazan finally revealed that it was Nikolai Poloznev who had hired them, as the Punisher had questioned where he could find Poloznev, although Kazan simply told him to look him up on the internet. And it has been suggested that what was used in Romeo and Juliet for the potion that made Juliet appear dead was belladonna which is in the nightshade family. While Lance attempted to crawl for his gun, Castle intercepted and brutally crushed his arm to deal with Paulie. Cemetery Scene (Daredevil: Season 2, Episode 4) In this incredibly emotional monologue, we learned what Frank went through in his life that led to him becoming The Punisher. ""It's your lucky day, asshole.Punisher and Amy Bendix. I told you. [25], Two years ago, Lieutenant Frank Castle was awarded the Navy Cross for his service in Afghanistan, right? He did it another time before the third one finally popped it in. Castle suggested that she could walk away from the danger but she decided to help Castle find and stop the Blacksmith. Later that day, Castle interrogated Rachel, demanding to know why she was being hunted and refusing to believe her cover story as a college student. As Castle had arrived at Hoyle's Apartment, he had witnessed Hoyle holding a gun to the front door, which he only lowered once he was sure who was there. Luckily, Castle gunned down the attackers and smashed his way through the roadblock, reaching the hospital just in time. [9], Castle then shaved his beard and hair, and when he left his apartment he changed his walk to throw off gait recognition software. While speaking to Page outside of the courtroom, Castle confessed to killing the boy's father and feeling some level of guilt for the killing, although Page still insisted that she would not judge him for it or anything else he had done. You want it, I'll give it to you. The first time I got scared was on a plane on the way home. Castle complied as Pilgrim left with the hostage. As Castle attempted to sleep, however, he found himself haunted by dreams of the Massacre at Central Park during which he had lost his entire family, having visions of Maria Castle waking him from his sleep before Castle would then remember that his family had been taken from him, bringing back painful memories. However, when Batzer asked how Castle pleaded, Castle stared straight into Reyes' eyes and pleaded not guilty so he could destroy Reyes' own career in the courtroom by exposing all of her lies and dealings with his family's deaths. During the torture, Gunner Henderson questioned Orange over what Zubair was saying, as Orange insisted that it was nothing important and demanded that Henderson not question his intelligence. Castle knocked Barrett out. Although Chaney attempted to offer to bring Castle to the Blacksmith himself, Castle ignored him and instead shot him through the head. Then, he simply waits for Hulk to transform back into Bruce Banner, and follows him into an abandoned alley. Maybe you and me, we are the same. Castle knocked Daredevil out and collected Grotto while he was out while attaching a gun to Daredevil's hand. At the hideout, Hoyle removed the arrow from his shoulder and patched him up. Movies versus TV. Castle had later realized that Amy Bendix had also managed to leave the Apartment, until he heard a knock at their door, with Bendix then announcing her presence. Frank! Rawlins, who oversaw the operation, discovered that Castle is still alive. Sitting down with Madani, Castle gave his name for the record, scoffing as Madani gave him their legal statements that he had to agree to before he would testify. Bernthal also talked about the character's 'superpowers', saying. Castle graciously thanked him before Dinah Madani came in, pardoning Castle. Henderson revealed why he filmed the execution of Ahmad Zubair and discovered that Morty Bennett supervised the operation. ""Well, you do what you gotta do.Brett Mahoney and Frank Castle. However, while Bendix went to Dinah Madani's bedroom, Castle noted that walking from the situation was not an option, while commenting that he only had to ensure that he was the dealer. While holding Castle at gunpoint, Wolf revealed some information about why Castle's family was killed then pulled the trigger. Funny enough, in two such universes, The Punisher comes out on top. When Castle then asked what had caused this, Bendix explained that Fiona had given them the job in Chicago to work as the catering for a funeral and take pictures of the guests, as they took a picture of David Schultz kissing his male partner in private, while noting that she had felt weird about doing it but dismissed these thoughts as they no longer mattered. Russo attempted to stop Castle but the latter continued and bit Rawlins on the neck, causing the agent to scream in agony. Madani shifted her attention to Russo and came to the realization that Russo led the mercenaries and killed Sam Stein. [1], Talk.""Okay! He then discovered Schoonover's secret stash of military-grade weapons and a bulletproof vest. As Castle treated his wounds, Daredevil asked why he was still alive and had not had his mask removed, but Castle ignored his comments, only informing him that he had no interest in his identity and began going through all the boxes of weapons he had stored on the roof for killing the Dogs of Hell. The Punisher and Bendix then walked out of the mansion, seeing Pilgrim standing with his two sons who he had saved, before they overheard the sound of Schultz shooting himself. Frank promises to talk to Dinah. The base was put on alert in order to find the intruder. #death #deathpussinboots2 #deathwhistle #deathband #deathedit #deathpussinboots #deathremix #deathmetal #deathhuman #remixeddeathsong #deathbed Seeking to end Castle's search for those responsible for Cerberus, Russo then offered him the chance to go work for Anvil overseas, noting that although Castle's family were gone they were still brothers. As Castle suggested that if Fiona was doing the kinds of jobs that got people killed, then Fiona would not have really cared about them, Bendix defended Fiona, noting that Castle did not know her. Micro, a hacker and whistleblower who revealed details of an off-the-books hit squad within the US military, pulls Castle back into his war when he reveals that more people were involved in his family's death. As the other workers laugh at him, Castle was informed by Lance that it was lunchtime before throwing a piece of concrete at his head which he ignored. When Reyes then attempted to question Schoonover's story, she only succeeded in confirming it and helping Castle's case. It is the ninth television series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The old man was at every single game I played at, every single one. Castle then made it inside Valhalla and went through the tunnel. It has to be said that the series became a huge hit among the Marvel fans; so much so that they started looking for other appearances from The Punisher in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.. RELATED: 5 The Punisher Scenes Fans Didn't See Coming (& 5 They Did) The Punisher then went to the church, finding Russo lying in a pool of his own blood, having been shot three times by Dinah Madani, as Russo had mistakenly believed that Hoyle had come to be with him, only to bitterly laugh when he saw the Punisher.

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